Help, please...

So I had a date with a guy (it was my first) but he's the brother of a close friend of mine and...

I also dunno but I'm feeling kinda sick...

Before our date just a bit but after he kissed me it got worse...

Was someone in love before?

If yes could you please tell me what it feels like?

I don't want to hurt him but less I want to play him.

I also have the problem that I think I'm not quite straight, like bi...

If anyone has a problem with it...

Well I can't change it...

But I thought I should tell this since it might change something.


Thank you for reading and hopefully helping me *smiles softly*


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I have to agree with informantxgirl, uality comes in many shades. And love is hard to define but if you feel like it might be it just might be
Well, it's kinda hard to explain what being in love feels like, but my opinion is, if you have to question it, it's probably not love. When you're in love, everything about that person just feels wonderful and right and being with them is fun and something you want to do all the time. And uality comes in many shades, no need to try to put a label on it.