#LastRomeo @ Malaysia

Hey guys!!

Soooooo, yesterday was Labour Day and it was a holiday here ^^

I went to the international book fair and bought some books :)

But that's not the main point.

So, do you guys know about the Last Romeo promotions that're happening worldwide?

(Inspirits will paste Last Romeo posters all around the town/country)

Well, Malaysia has finally joined the promotions!!!!! ^^

And to make it special, in conjunction with Childrens Day, Inspirits went to KLCC and gave Handmade Last Romeo white balloons and lollipops to random kids that entered there!

Isn't it wonderful? ^^ So proud of Malaysian Inspirits!


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WHOOT WHOOT! I wanna visit Malaysia one day ^^
Man, I wanna visit Malaysian inspirits xD and the events!!
I already knew it since last week. XD
I want that balloon though. T^T