Give me your soooouls..... o.o

Or just your money XD Or a present! I found this girl on Etsy who makes kpop plushies and I've fallen in love with the Kyuhyun one she's made and I waaaaant it and I don't have the money and I waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant itttttttt!! *rools around on the floor while crying* 


Buy it for me!! *sends out weird brain waves*


*gets bricked*



*cries in a corner* 


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kpopoppa #1
I have no money XD
*runs to corner you're in*
*cleans up bricks*
*walks away with you still there*
*im so nice*
You can have my soul. But not my money!
... my soul? *runs and hides* hahaha, I would totally buy it for you but my mum would kill me lol XD Can you give the link for the Etsy shop please~? I wanna look... or buy them all haha XD