[IMPOTANT] Heartbreak Shop Staff

Hey guys, there are some things I want to tell you for the shop.

1. I am thinking of advertising it again, so please, inform me about your current status, so that I know if we can handle requests or not. Last time we were a little bit full and the disappearance of some staff memebers was not a beautiful experience for me, nor the rest of the staff, since it became extremely difficult to do our requests. 

2. Please when you do your requests, include the story/shop link of the requester in the chapter.

3. Another thing about the requests, can you check whether your requester has picked up it's poster/review and sometimes when you are bored just track him/her if a credit is included? Many people don't bother giving us a credit and I can't possibly track every single requester. We have more than fifthy already, so...

4. Last, but not least, I want to say hello and goodbye to some of the staff. No, I am not firing someone xD (Not to mention that I don't actually pay you..)

I wanted to say goodbye to corncheesetomato, who had decided to stop working at our shop. She knows that we appreciate her talent and if she wants to come back, I have told her to not hesitate a bit ^^

Solitariness deleted her accounts, so she is not working for our shop anymore.

And a big WELCOME to Oshqueentaeng, frenchsha, taodaypanda and writingcrazed! Even though you haven't been here for long, I am already really pleased with your work. Happy that you chose the shop! 

Again, please notify me about your status (EVERYONE) so that I know what to do. You can notify me either here or on a personal message ^^



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