I've hit a Road Block

I guess this post would be pretty obvious, seeing that I rarely update my fanfic anymore. To be honest, I have a lot of stories in mind but the problem is that it's nowhere near what I want for this story in particular. I've got it all formed in my head but the execution is still a bit vague. Any hints on how to overcome this writer's block?

Thanks ^_^


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Evil_Keshi #1
Personally, when I'm facing such a situation, I don't write the story for a few days but I write down every single idea I have, even those which seemingly have nothing to do with another. Then, I try to find a way to link these ideas together, I add scenes and details, I try to picture myself as the characters to find the way they would react to this or that situation and usually, it draws a new plot or makes it complete.
Sometimes, I also focus on an other story in order to distract myself and get rid of the frustration that builds up whenever I have a writer's block ^^
Last but not least, don't give up on your stories because of the writer's block. Maybe you will need a lot of time to finish it but I'm sure you will do it one day ;)