



Username: Wolfie-Rue | Activeness:10 | Nickname:Rue









Alexa Estrada  












Zendaya Coleman 


 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 

 Height: 170 cm 

  Weight: 54 kg 




Personality(1-2 paragraphs)

-Cold:Alexa created this outer shell because of the harsh world that they have come to grow up in. Over the years she learned that she had no choice but to lock everyone out and trust no one to be able to survive,with the exception of Brittany.

 -Reserved: Only truly talks to Brittany because she is beyond insecure about being the only non Asian mortal Saver that's in Korea. Is mainly neutral with everyone unless they make the effort to befriend her.

 -Loyal:Since she and her best friend were in constant danger,a deep loyalty has grown in her heart. She would rather face the punishment 1000x over than to allow her best friend to be killed. 

-Motherly:Despite being one of the youngest Mortal Savers her motherly instincts are one of the strongest. She takes care of everyone,whether they are neutral or her friends, as if they were one of her own without question. If any of her friends has even the smallest injury, she would stop everything she is doing and tend to them out the reflex she learned while being on her own with Brittany.

-Childish:Only when everything is clear does this side of her personality shine through. She cracks the lamest jokes ever,laughs at the silliest things, and just tries to put a smile on everyone's faces. But a lot of the time she looks like she's on crack when she finally does relax and let loose. She'd take part in all the pranks,and even think of the best ones to pull on everyone that don't involve anyone getting hurt.


Alright since I don't want to give away the start amd basic building blocks of the story,I'll just leave these pictures as a guide for your imagination.Don't worry,I'll explain everything later.....






Extra Info:






-lying before telling the truth

-singing/crying herself to sleep

-randomly switching languages,fron Korean to English,and English to Spanish




-Being left alone... 





 Name: Brittany Castro| Species: human | Closeness: 10




Love Interests:

Mate 1: Namjoon

 Mate 2: Yoongi 



A very responsible yet still childish leader. Usually goofing around with Jungkook or Hoseok. Really loud,outgoing and crazy but is serious when need be. Just loves having fun and having a good time. Acts erted a lot of the time...



While Namjoon is hyper and adventurous Yoongi is more grounded and calm. He makes sure that everything that needs to be done gets done no matter what. Is relaxed and takes time to appreciate the little things in life. But is still just as erted as Hoseok....



Other Stuff

So now you guys can finally see Alexa.Hope you guys like her cause your stuck with her either way

And sorry that it took so long to finally get this up,I got buried alive by school work...hopefully I can have the first chapter up soon

Oh,and don't forget to send me the rating of your characters closeness to Alexa  


Created by Truly and Utterly Random Layouts ♥♦♠♣





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Zendayaaaaaaaaaaaa~ Hahahaha.
I thought her bestfriend would be the orange-haired girl from their Disney series. XD