It's addicting

Who was your last text from? My sister

What's your profile picture? I don't have one

What's your middle name? Rose 

Your current relationship status? y free and single

What is your current mood? Hungry

What's your dad's name? Not going to say

If you could go back in time and change something, would you? No

Do you have a crazy side? Yes

Ever had a near death experience? No

Angry at anyone? Yes

Do you wanna see somebody right now? Yes

What's your mother's name? Not going to say

When was the last time you cried? Yesterday 

Who would you do anything for? No one, im selfish

Who is your hero? Crayon Pop, they're actual heroes

What is the first thing you notice about the opposite ? Hair

Do you still watch kid movies or TV shows? Definetly

What are you eating or drinking at the moment? Oreos

Have you ever lost a friend? Yes

If you could have one wish come true what would it be? Meet Crayon Pop and get a better job

Describe your life in one word? Carefree

Do you still have feelings for an ex? I dunno 

Do you like the rain? Lights showers

What are you thinking about right now? I need to update fanfic

What should you be doing right now? Taking a shower

Who's your last call from? Mummy

What are you listening to? Crayon Pop- dancing queen 

Who was the last person you told "I love you" to? To a real person- it's been so long To a poster of Crayon Pop- 3 mins ago

Who was the last person you yelled at? Dad

What is your eye color? DArk brown almost black 

Who was the last person to make you smile? Sister

Is there one person you can tell anything to? Yes

Last movie you saw in theaters? Divergent 

Favorite store you like to shop at? Anywhere with food

Where do you want to live? Countryside

Have you changed much since high school? No

Have you ever slapped anyone? No

What are you watching? Crayon Pop Dancing queen

Who do you look up to? my Sisters and Crayon pop

Favorite author? John Green

What will win your heart over? Someone who's passionate about something, doesn't matter what unless it's something bad.


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you have done a bunch of those questionaires o.o