About Me {Stolen}

About Me

1) what is your name?  Britney

2) how old are you?  16

3) what school are you in? High School

4) where do you live? What country or state? Michigan, USA

5) what is your height? 5"5

6) how much do you weight?  1... something... That's all I'm telling

7) how many siblings do you have? One older sister. We are 10 years apart~

8) how many members are in your family? A lot but on a daily basis I see my mom, sister, my niece and nephew, my aunt, and uncle.

9) what is your eye color? Brown

10) what is your hair color? Black

11) do you wear glasses/contacts? I've been wearing glasses since the 2nd grade. I want contacts so bad!!

12) are you left or right handed?  Left handed!! #TeamLeftHanded xD

13) do you a have any piercings? If so, where? I have my ear lobes and a cartilage on my left side. Someday I want to get more ear piercing, a belly button, and nose piercing.

14) do you smoke? No

15) do you swear? Hell yeah all the ing time especially when I'm mad.

16) do you get along with your parents? Yes, for the most part.

17) do you have a best friend? Can you name 5 facts about him/her?  I have 2 best friends but I'll pick the one I've known the longest. 1.) Her favorite color is purple. 2.) Her zodiac sign is Aquarius. 3.) She loves music just as much as I do. 4.) Math is her favorite subject. 5.) She is a very good listener.

18) your heritage? I'm African American and a little bit of Native American.

19) greatest fears? I have a fear of bugs especially spiders. I also fear failure and rejection.

20) best physical features? I love my skin. It's a nice carmel color and very smooth. I like my lips, eyes, and neck.

21) your bedtime? 11:30

22) what time do you wake up in the morning?  School days: 6:45-7:10 Weekends: 10:00-10:30

23) do you shower daily?  I shower everyday ever since I started puberty.

24) favorite type of music? Kpop of course!! but I also listen to Western pop music, R&B, and some kinds of rap.

24) any talents? I can play piano, saxophone, and clarinet.

25) have you ever been to the hospital? Not for anything serious. When I was little I fell off the bed and had to get stitches in my chin. A couple years later I went for the stomach flu. Last year I went for for a bloody nose. Turns out I had Bronchitis.

26) happiest moment in your life?  Idk... Recently: when I went to see the White House.

27) saddest moment in your life?  I haven't had a saddest moment yet thank God

28) hardest decision you've ever made? I think every decision is hard for me to make lol But last year I had to decide whether or not I should go to the ROTC summer camp for a week. I decided not to. I also had to decide whether or not I wanted to do ROTC or Marching Band. I chose Band. 

29) most embarrassing moment? I try to forget my embarrassing moments.

30) biggest regret? I haven't had a biggest regret yet. I usually think about something for a long time before I do it.

31) who was your first love/ crush?  This guy I've known since Kindergarden. We were bestfriends. He went to another school for middle school and then came back in Highschool. I started to like him as more than a friend.

32) who was your first kiss? Any details? I was in the 7th grade. Just a peck on the lips with a guy I liked at the time.

33) the longest relationship you have been in?  3 months. Before you judge me I'm still young and don't want to be tied down.

34) ever had a heart break?  Yes T_T

35) how many relationships have you been in? 3

36) most awkward moment in your life?  It's so awkward when you have to hold conversations with strangers or be a third wheel.

37) ever fought? Won or lost? Not a physical fight but I've been in a few verbal arguments. Since I'm not really a competitive person I don't really care whether I win or lose.

38) favorite hobbies? YouTube, bike riding, writing, listening to music, play musical instruments.

39) favorite singer/band?  Singers: Bruno Mars and Ailee  Bands: SHINee and 2NE1

40) best moment in your life?  I can't think of any but I know I had one

41) biggest dream?  To graduate college and make lots of money^^

42) what do you plan on being in the future? I have no idea but I've been doing research on Communication, phychology, and social work.

43) favorite color? Blue <3

44) favorite food?  I love chicken wings, icecream, mozzarella sticks, and apples

45) laughed for no reason? All the time XD

46) got caught doing something you weren't suppose to be doing? Yes.. a good handful of times :3

47) been drunk? Nope.

48) fired a gun? A rifle when I was in ROTC last year

49) had ? Nope. #StillA

50) gone skinny dipping? No but I want to someday

51) been assaulted? No thank God

What was the last...

52) Thing you ate? Cabbage soup~ It was delicious^^

53) Person you have talked to? my mom

54) Song you have listened to? Trey Songz - Nana

55) Movie you watched? The Blind Side

56) Time you cried? Watching a drama

57) Place you have been to? To the grocery store

58) Thing you've done before this?  Watching Marching Band videos on YouTube


59) Planet? Earth...

60) Age you've been so far?  10 years old was a good year before puberty, lots of homework, and peer pressure

61) Season? Spring~ Not too hot, not too cold and the world has life again.

62) Number? 21

63) TV show? Teen Wolf, Family Feud, Bones, and Degrassi

64) Flower? roses...


65) How much cash do you have on you? $15

66) What's a word that rhymes with 'door'?  xP

67) What T-Shirt are you wearing? a pink shirt that says Ohio (p.s I'm not from Ohio)

68) What brand of shoes are you wearing? a brand special called Barefoot. It's like you don't have shoes on at all xP

69) What did your last text message say? My friend had asked how was the food at Panera Bread and I said "Good!!"

70) What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping. I was tired after coming from a 5 day field trip

71) What's your current desktop picture? A pink flower.

72) What's a word that you say a lot? Damn

73) If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Cyan

74) How is the weather right now? Since it's about 10:0o pm about 50 degrees

75) What is the first thing you notice about the opposite ? Face, more specifically eyes

76) Are you too shy to ask someone out? I'm too scared of rejection to ask someone out.

77) Can you do a headstand (not using a wall)? I can do one underwater. Does that count??

78) Who would you like to see right now? My best friend. I haven't seen her in a week.

79) How many pillows do you sleep with? 2

80) Would you go on a date with someone on MySpace/ Facebook or Instagram? You mean if I met them on Facebook or instagram?? If we had a lot in common, he was the appropriate age, and didn't live too far from each other, yeah sure why not.

81) How do you want to die? Of a natural and quick death when I'm like 90 years old

82) What do you want to be when you grow up? I have no idea.. I still have time to figure it out.

83) What country would you most like to visit? Korea, Japan, and Australia!!

84) How many CDs do you own? about 10 or so but they are all old. I don't buy CDs anymore.

85) How many things, in your past, do you regret? My recent regrets: not asking why I didn't get the summer job I applied for and breaking up with my last boyfriend.

86) Do you think you are attractive? Yeah I guess so

87) Do you believe in yourself? Yes...??
88) Do you want to get married? Someday

In a boy/girl...

89) Favorite eye color? It doesn't really matter to me but I think hazel eyes are so pretty~

90)Favorite hair color? Dark Brown

91) Short or long hair? It doesn't matter to me though I have a habit of touching guys heads whether they have long or short hair

92) Height? taller than me though I've dated someone shorter than me and it didn't both me that much.

93) Weight? as long as they are healthy and cute it doesn't matter the weight


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whoa, 10 years apart from your sis :O

/anyway, do u mind if i steal this? kkk~ thanku! ^^/