My brother is dying

My six year old brother has stage five Ewing Sarcoma Cancer (Bone Cancer) and the doctors say that he is going to die anytime now and there is nothing they can do for him. I have to take time and I won't be able to update for a while. Please, pray for my brother. He is autistic, so he doesn't know that he is dying and he is always smiling. He is my joy in this world, please, I beg of you, please understand. 


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Don't even worry about it ! The only thing in your mind must be your brother, and it's normal ! Oh my God, six is too young to endure such things. I'll pray for him. I really will. Courage !
Don't worry about updating. Spend as much time as possible with him.
oh god that is horrible I pray he'll get better, have a strong faith and stay strong. I really wish you the best.