Everyone needs to learn how to chill...!

Today was so annoying! For crying out loud, CHILL!!!!!!!!!!

First, yesterday my teacher raged at us for not doing our homework. (I did my homework of course. I'm a Good student. Lol I'm joking, I don't like being a Good student. But if I'm not, my mom will rage on me)

Second, today my mom raged at me for not playing the piano properly. (I'm like, "Does it matter?! As long as I'm playing, shouldn't it be Fine? You don't even play the piano, What gives you the right to tell me how to play?" But, I couldn't say that to her. She would rage at me even more.)

And third, my mom raged at me again for taking shower late. (Come on, It's not even that late! Only 15 minutes past my bed time, Which is 9:30pm. I have friends taking a shower even later!)

I bet You're all like "Why are you telling us this, girl? What can we do?" and That's the problem! We can't do anything! Why aren't we trying to calm down for a second and try to CHILL! Oh great, I'm raging on you guys....I'm Sorry. I'm just so worked up about this. My friends say that I don't get angry at all! But, you know the reason why I don't get angry easily? Because I try to take things lightly! And frankly, It's hard. In reality, I get angry easily, but I try to keep calm and collective. But, in my mind, I'm saying stuff like: "Calm da fudge down for Pete's sake!" (But I actually swear) People need to learn to take things lightly. So once in a while, stop and calm down, please.

P.S. Thank you for listening to my rant! I appreciate it.↖(^ω^)↗


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