Heartbreak Hospital - To my friend (originally from Heartbreak Shop)

Hi guys, Heartbreak Hospital is still here, alive and opened.

As you know, we don't really put the person's real name, since privacy is appreciated.

"I've been dating him since freshman year, but he's constantly been breaking up with me because he still questions himself. He asks me back out around 2 weeks later after each breakup and i'm gullible enough to give him so many chances. Now i'm back with him and he said he'll try to change for me. I can't trust him anymore, but I don't want him to leave me because when we are together, he makes me feel like i'm the only guy in the world. I've wanted to cut myself, but I always hold myself back and keep my head up high. But I feel like i'm about to crack any minute and cuss him out."

-- T.


Does he make you feel miserable at times? Are you always waiting for him to break up with you for the nth time? Do you feel that sometimes the sad and painful moments are outnumbering the good ones?

You keep your head up and should always do this, with no one seeing your tears. But as I am saying this, I need to specify that this should never apply to the person who claims to love you the most.

You are young and full of life, but why does sorrow get to you so easily? You are in control of your emotions and so is he about himself.

He is confused but in the mean time- breaks your heart over and over again. 

We do that-hurt people we love, because of our personal conflicts. We make them suffer, since we ourselves don't know what we want. It is always and will always be like that, since this is the cycle of relationships. We just have to learn to get better in controlling ourselves.

Don't you ever even think of harming your body, since it will not resolve your problems, it never does. What better is there, than being in control of your actions, emotions and happiness? Why would you feel bad for something that you can fix yourself?

He is extremely confused, we both know this and we have to understand him- it's not easy being yourself. But why putting boundaries that stress us even more? Why being bonded to the opposite or same only? One day, I may be happy with a boy and on the other-with a girl.

Why would I think of restraining myself? In that way, even though I'd be claiming that I am different, I will not actually be, since I will, again, restrain myself to one only. We never are, not in a bad way, at least. Love has no boundaries and that is meant for everyone, from every country, race, gender. 

Speak to him, for he is confused. Speak to him and try to understand him, because if you don't, you will only be hurting yourselves even more. Silence hurts as you are waiting for it to suddenly break.

Talk to him and tell him how- tell him how you found out about yourself, how you were struggling as well and how happy you are once you had found yourself. Even if your relationship doesn't last, he has to know that just because he chose to be with a boy, doesn't mean that later on, if he changes his mind, he will be trapped. Tell him that it's okay whoever he is, as long as he is happy.

Tell him that you will love him and will support him always. I can't tell you to break up with him, unless you are feeling miserable. But I can assure you that if there is another break up, keep it as the last one.  I can easily tell you to stop, leave him and look for your own happiness, but will you be happy if you love him that much?  Yes, you will, because we can find happiness in everything, only if we want to. The world revolves around you and changes constantly because of the decisions you make.


Will you be happy if you leave him? If you are strong enough and don't mock your sadness, then yes. Don't ever be afraid to step up for yourself, since it will never be for nothing.

You just need to decide: Will you keep the sadness close to you, or will you decide to be free and live for the happiness in life.

Do you understand me? Our life is made and controlled by us and only us.

Why do people think that it is so hard to be happy, when it actually is not?

When did negative thinking conquer our hearts? No one should hurt you and you should never allow it. Again, you are too young to feel burdened. You are too young to feel unhappy. Don't act impulsively, think your decisions and also, talk to him. You can be amazed by the magic of words. 

Please don't ever give up and harm yourself, it will never do you good.

- Kate_Sunshine


These things heal us, just because we allow them to. So watch them and feel happier. Sloths and tigers are magical and give you strenght!


please don't be unhappy.


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