How To...

So... Ummm..

How to overcome writer's block/lack of ideas?.. or more importantly, how to overcome procrastination?


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I can't get out of my own author's block,I just simply delete that story xD(I'm serious)
read books that you think will enhance your 'wild imagination' hihi or your favorite books written by your favorite authors :D
namzUd #3
Listen to songs, watch dramas and films or think abt events that happened in your life/other people's life:)
Go take a cold shower. After a long and tiring day, our mind is also tired to filter out ideas. Unfiltered ideas = creativity.

The way to beat is to write or engage in other creative activities. I don't suggest reading a book or a fic to avoid, you know, taking something unconsciously. Same with movies. Just go and look for prompts. They are all over the www.
Dude, the main cause of writer's block is because you're not in school. Dammit, you lucky person, missing school. Though you missed alot, like alot. We burned peanuts today and it went on fire and my hand is like black from the soot XD
Are you coming tomorrow?
reading books that's in the same genre of ur story? It works on me tho. hoho