Contest entry (Color It)

Entered another contest! (Coz I have nothing else to do / No requests at the moment)

I used the blue-ish prompt. 

What do you think? At first, I was planning on doing the pink-ish prompt and it perfect. But I changed it coz I wanted to use the bonus. Yeah, I'm that greedy. XD Whaddaya think? I got inspiration after I saw Romantic J's photoshoot. Sincere apologies to KaiNiel shippers. ^^"

Here's the contest if you wanna join ^^


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newgirl #1
Omg I love this! Everything is perfect esp the coloring :)
namzUd #2
I like the brushes and background pics u I don't like the fact that I cant really see her face and that the title seems to be the main point/component of ur poster instead of the characters.