Feeling Down T_T Failed A Driving Test

Okay.. firstly I wanna tell you guys.. I failed my driving test today T_T yes! I love it so much.. so so so much.. yeahhh~~ I think I'm going crazy now..

Waahhh~~ what a really sad day today.. I waited for 9 hours to get the test but I finished it with failed result :( I didn't eat from early in the morning until the late evening.. and my stomuch hurt so bad~

I really wanna pass it.. aahhh~~ today is really a bad day for me.. even my cat doing something that made me so stressful.. I was so tired cleaning my house after I back home from the test.. but, an hour later.. my cat ruined my work T_T

I really feel so down.. I have to repeat my test 2 weeks later.. Gggrr~ I don't want to see that tester again.. even thinking about him make me feel worse.

The reason here is.. you know, I tried so hard and practice hard to get ready for the test.. but, how come.. when the car that I got for the test is more worse than I thought.. the car is the problems, not me~

Everything getting worse and worse T_T the brake didn't work at all.. I press it but it doesn't work.. and even the gear place is like already loose.. what the heck is this..

I feels like I didn't want to drive a car anymore.. I didn't want to repeat it :( I can't help myself to calm myself for not getting so upset when all of this happen.. I really hate failure, especially when I really wanna pass it..

The funniest moment is.. when I even asked if Taehyung(BTS) was the one who give me the test.. waahh~~ I think I will definitely pass it.. lol~ this is what I was thinking when I know that I fail the test >_<

Waahh~~ why all of this must happen to me??

Lol~ I'm sorry.. I told this because I wanna release a bit of my stress.. you know, I feel a bit better now because I got a chance to tell the others about my feeling.. I can't even smiling after the test.. but now it's not that bad..

When I remind back to the moment when that tester scold me.. I feel like my world is gone.. I have this feeling before, when I didn't pass a kpop ***** (secret).. lol~ PM me if you wanna know what is it.. when I didn't pass it, I think like I didn't want to talk to anyone anymore..

Haha~ emotional girl always like this.. kekeke~ alright.. that's all.. gomawonggg~~~ hehe >_< chu chu chu..

Owwhh~ V oppa.. can you be by my side forever?? aahh.. I can't T_T

I wanna you.. please come to meeeee~~ my Mr.Chu <3

I love you too ^^ my baby~


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if it makes you feel better, I drove my car into a pole two days ago orz. u n u I feel bad about that like seriouslyyy- q n q