memories. sighs.

do you guys every just start reminiscing for some apparent reason? and you remember that one person who made you feel like you mean something? like, in a best friend/big brother way.
you see, i met this guy in this one roleplay i used to be in called exoxo rp. he was around 18 years old at that time. i was melanie and he was daehyun. we became really close, both in character and in real life. he told me his name and i told him mine. it also happens that he lives in the same country as i live in, philippines. anyway, let's jut call him oppa for now. 
so oppa and i were really close, we told each other our secrets, what country we live in, etc etc. we were really close that whenever the other had problems, we'd be able to tell immediately even if it's just through typing. i was even the first person he talked to when he and his girlfriend broke up. he told me everything, but he didn't tell anyone else.
one time my rl friends who were also in the rp decided, "hey let's have a conference call". so oppa gave us his number, and my sister called up our friend, our cousin, and then finally, oppa. we talked so much, about the rp and everything, until about 1 or 2am in the morning. the following day was normal, just me and him talking and rp-ing like the usual.
but then exoxo rp had to close down.
i was so devastated when this happened tbh cause exoxo rp was and is still my favourtie rp. luckily, my cousin who was tia in exoxo opened up a roleplay called venus rp. all my friends and i roleplay-hopped and moved there. everything was okay until oppa had to move back to japan after summer and he told me he wouldn't be able to go online. he promised me he'd come back and he did. he actually didn't leave. we kept talking, yes, but he rarely went online to the point where he stopped going online completely. 
and i was never again able to talk to him.
he was the one who stood as my big brother. he was the oppa i never had. sighs.
hey oppa. if you're reading this, i miss you and stupidity and your crazyness, ayt?
ew this blogpost is so long. anyway, that's all. thanks for reading if ever you read this.



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Hey...I also have a oppa once. He left me on my bday but I always hope that he never forget me.