being a Fanfic Author

Well.. this is something i've always wanted to write. 


I am not going to rant about things but more of be thankful for things that i've received in the past 4 years of writing. 

I've always dreamed of writing stories but then my grammar is way off and my story lines were all cliched. But fanfiction had given me the opportunity to share these ideas into stories.


I do admit that i am not exactly good and my works have glaring flaws in them, but i am happy that i am able to share those stories that i would just think of at random times.


I tend to write non canon pairs, honestly, i just pair up my biases that's why i they are non canon. But i am very thankful that i am not alone in the ships i am riding and truth be told, i am happy even if i spazz with 1 or 2 people that shares my interest.


I have read good stories that made me envious but that only made me want to work harder to write better stories. And I hvae read stories from struggling authors; i want to help you guys out. 


I am not an expert but i assure you that you are not alone struggling because even experienced writers do struggle and they start off somewhere.\

I myself started with crappy stories and then moved on to write better ones as the years passed. I am  not yet there but at least i have a story to tell. I started with 1 or 2 readers and am forcing my sister to read my stories to now where i have a few readers who had been appreciative of my work.


The point of this post is, well just do your best and try to push yourself better. We all have great ideas in mind and it's up to us to share it with others. Don't be afraid to write and post your stories; don't get discouraged if you don't receive comments. As the time passes, you'll be amazed at how your stories can affect others and how each story receive more and more attention


Just like what Super Junior M sings..


Swing never never give up! 


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yeah I envy you coz you update fast while me OTL coz of my non canon pairings I'm killing myself in finding my muse haha
super like hahahaha fighting!^__^
Thank you...
This blog gain my spirit to write more. I'm still on struggling phase now. I have a dream to become a writer someday and this site can be my stepping stone to fulfill it :)
Once again, thank you (^_^)
Awww I feel the same way;-; sometimes when I re-read the fanfics I made I feel like it's not good enough and my grammar is lacking, a lot. So I always ended up not to post it. But seeing many great authors inspired me made me feel like I have to work harder. you know this post is so sweet

lol I talk too much, sorry-_-