Song Quiz (Stolen)

I did a song quiz before, but it wasn't this exact quiz. So I've decided to do this one too~ 

Btw, I got a new iPod so.. I don't have that much songs as before. 



(Take a playlist in your phone/iPod anything and put it on shuffle~)

1. What do people assume when they first look at me? 

- Voodoo Doll - VIXX

2. What is the greatest challenge in my life?

- Crush - 2NE1

3. How am I relationship wise?

- Roly Poly - T-ara

4. What do people who like me think of me?
- Baby Baby - 4MEN

5. What sadnesses will I face in my future?
- We Are Bulletproof, Pt. 2 - BTS

7. What do people who hate me think of me? 
- Lovey Dovey - T-ara

8. What do I think of when I think of my ual preference?

- Now - Trouble Maker

9. What should I avoid in the future?
- Beautiful Girl - Teen Top (What? lolol)

10. What will I be doing in a few years as my profession? 
- Stop Girl - Teen Top

11. What advice should I follow?
- Do Tell Me - Girl's Day

12. What should I do instead of this quiz/game thing? 
- No.1 - Teen Top

13. What will my married life be like?
- TanTara - Alphabat

14. A song that best describes my life:
- Oneshot - BAP

15. How can I get ahead in life? 
-  I Love You - Wu Ying Jie(Gui Gui) and Ok Taecyeon

16. What is the best thing about your friends? 
- Rock Star - Teen Top (lmao pls)

17. What song best describes your crush?
- Tell Me Why - Teen Top

18. How does the world (strangers) see me? 
- To You - Teen Top

19. How can I achieve happiness?
- Without You - Lee Michelle(*snaps fingers* mm.)

20. How can I make someone fall for me? 
- Lucky - EXO

21. What should I do with my life right now?

- Lucky(Chinese Version) - EXO (One in two oh damn!;)

22. What will my future children be like?
- Don't Want to be An Idol - VIXX 


So yeah.. that barely made sense. Lol~


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I know Im a rock star XD jk