
The title says it all. I want to pray for the rescue team, who risk their lives just to save the people stuck on the boat, the vice principal, who committed suicide to 'take responsibility' for the students' deaths, so that he may rise to heaven because of his good deed to be with God in heaven. Lastly, I pray for the students and teachers still missing or stuck on the boat, so that they may live long enough for the rescue team to reach them. I sincerely hope there will be more survivors, the rescue team is safe, and the vice principal be happy in heaven. 

There's also the captain. I guess a lot of people hate him for escaping the boat to save himself while getting the people to stay on the boat, but still, all sinners are still welcome in God's name. Let's hope he really regrets his actions and prays for the victims too. Let's trend #PrayForSouthKorea and do leave a comment if you like. Thank you. All in Jesus' name I pray, Amen. 



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#PrayForSouthKorea I hope the missing people from the ferry will be found soon. And to the people who died, I hope they rest in peace..
ddongppyong #2
#PrayForSouthKorea …amen.
yoaisummer #4
Luvkpopelf #6
#PrayForSouthKorea ...:-)
HaloNyte #7
Let's trend #PrayForSouthKorea and leave this in your comments please. Pray solemnly and remember to check the ferry updates.