How do I add a background picture?

I know what you're all thinking....Background picture? Puh -leaze! That's easy to add! Well It's not...Well not for me. I know I have to click IMAGES and then add the URL of the picture but it just won't work! Is it because I'm on my tablet? I don't know! But I Really want to add a background image and it won't let me! No matter how many times I do it, it won't appear in the background!


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You must go to photobucket, select an image.
Left click the PICTURE and when it says COPY IMAGE URL, not the words on the new tab.
Than go to the forward and where it says MAIN IMAGE, place the image URL in the backround image.
Hope its not to confusing.
(~ ^ -^)~
Make sure the pics are from the sites that affiliated with aff