A Blow Taken Way to Hard, or not Hard Enough

Dear Friends,

I'm sure everyone has felt this way in one point or another in their life:

The feeling you have hit a pot hole, one that left your dazed, dizzy, and damned. 

Now I am talking metaphorically here. Lately everything hasn't been working out for me. 

But I have to stay positive! And work hard at writing, because that is what I want.

To be a writer, to write. Even though I do not processes any special talent or capability. 

I can't spell if my life depended on it.

But you want, what you want in life. So you must work for it and it will be yours. And if you do not get it, 

even after trying so so hard; it was just not meant to be. 

But even though my life motto is to Move On and Let it Make You Strong, but lately I've been taking my hits

to hard.

My main goal right now is just to work Run Away, but I don't think I am doing a good job of it. 

The story is way to fast. It is confusing, not in depth. Readers do not know that Sehun is driven crazy by the loneliness he feels, or that Kyungsoo is simple just angry at the world. Readers don't know that Jongin loved his mother, even though she looked away when his father abused him. Readers don't know the character that I have made in my mind, the interesting ones, the ones I want you to see. I have failed as a writer, because I didn't stop and take a breath. I just went right in, jumped of the cliff to see what happens in the end of my story. 

I have failed as a writer for Run Away. That is the blow I am taking. 

I want to start again, I have learned from my mistakes. 

Writing is like raising a child; your are creating something, something that bends to your touch, takes part of you and makes it, it's own. Writing is playing God, creating your own universe inside this one. Writing is beautiful, it takes so much more time than I gave it in the past. But now I will restart. 

It's time for a new story, one that I can feel proud, one that I know people will want to continue reading. 




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HaibaraShery #1
You know, being a writer is not easy. It's a big task because you're creating a whole new world. But the hardest thing is to make our readers understand.
Someone told me once to write for my own not for drawing attention and receiving popularity. But when I write there is this feeling to satisfy my readers, and I get upset when I get small amount of reader. I think I know what you feel