
Imagine you were about to go to prison for a crime. You knew you were the one responsible and even though you tried to past the blame onto others it was still your fault. Imagine that for the verdict at court the judge declares that you've been pardoned and this other person, someone you weren't even that close with took your place for the crime.

That's what Jesus did when he died for us on Good Friday. He allowed people to spit on him, mock him as he was whipped, beaten, stripped and nailed to a cross because of God's forgiveness. What is that? God forgives? Why indeed my friends. He forgave us for hurting our friend's feelings, he forgave us for slandering that other user's writing and he forgave us even when we thought we got away with it.

He forgives because he loves. It's hard for people without the Christian faith to understand why forgiveness is important because it's not a feeling. When you forgive you choose to forgive. The person who ends up better off in the end is you. The person we tried to trap by holding on was never a prisoner in the first place.

So why not stop, think back on a time when someone did something or maybe you let yourself down. Are you still holding onto that hurt, the pain or the grudge? Why not decide today whether its still worth being held onto or if you should let it go?

Enjoy the rest of the day :)



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xinli_ang #1
AMEN! The forgiveness of sin that can only be found in the Saviour! :D
kyeopta_meserio #2
Amen! God Bless You!
Wowzers, amen to this! <3
Nice words, thank you :')