Just wanna express my feelings

Annyeonghasseyo to those people out there! Thank you for those people who are reading my blog this time kkk! Iam just really feeling bored this past few days but Iam really thankful when I found this site aff. I was excite when i discover many things out here especially those new people I meet here everyday in chat haha, especially those kpop fans out there haha fighting!! Its a good thing that I met many people who I can talked too especially those kpop thing haha we can really relate with each other. I feel very relax in here because I can really express my feelings more in kpop, because outside aff I cannot really avoid those people who bashes and hates kpop. Some friends and classmates told me also that kpop is just a cheap thing and they are just gays and why do I keep listening to kpop because I dont understand kpop, they are telling me Im just waisting my time. But of course Iam trying to defend my self and protect kpop, but I really cant defend because they are just too many, but Im also thankful that I also have few friends around me who also have an interest to kpop and there are also some who dont have an interest in kpop but they are just accepting it even though I always tell them and  ask them to take a look in my cellphone those pictures, videos and even music that i think that they can appreciate. Haha its a good thing that one of my friend who is a non kpop has an interest to Top haha and even some songs of Bigbang, Bad Boy and Taeyangs songs Ringa Linga.  

Some reminders kkk! I just want to apologize i guess with my messy grammars haha especially those people I always chat too and there are even Americans too haha, pls bear with me haha! But one thing I want to share is that I found a really a close friend here, everytime we chat its not that awkward and there was really a situation wherein we tell each other our kilos even though were not that too y haha, hey girl if you were reading this you know who you are haha!!! We all started because we have the same fandom, VIP and BLACKJACK.!!!  So those people out there especially those VIPS AND BLACKJACKS around there haha, your free to chat and add me :) But importang thing GD OPPA IS MINE! arasseo?! kkk!

Iam really proud that Iam a kpop fan, even though many people are thinking that your weird some thing like that.. we must not forget that if you are really a truly a kpop fan you must not forgive.. protect and protect and those who cant defend anymore just ignore those people, they are just crazy, and they dont even know how wonderful kpop is!! Some are comparing 1D to BIGBANG and they are saying that bigbang is weird.. there fashion is too ugly. Like hello dont they know what fashion is?! I'll better give them a dictionary haha! 1D's kinda look lame in there fashion i think and i think they are the one looks more gay, ooppss sorry for those 1D out there PEACE?!  Dont leave kpop if that is really your happiness!!! Right? Thats our motto right? KPOP IS OUR LIFE!!! :)

One more thing IM A FILIPINO :) Sorry for the messy grammars! LOVE YOU ALL, SARANGHAE! <3






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