Take it by me

To you I look like a fool, a dummy, an idiot.
This is not what I want to achieve from you.
What I want is a kind soul who forgives me each day for my oblivious doings.
Am I to question you once more,
Is that too much to ask?
Give me no answer or reply with lots to say.
Answer it thoroughly and with so much of heart to take it within yourself to speak these words,
"You are who you are and I love you for that."

However, you hide beneath your skin, choking on words.
I'm as harmful as a feather, though.
Not a threat to you, or anyone.
Come to me and say your mind.
Bring forth your wrongs and I will not judge your actions.
Watch me unravel myself before you like a gift;
A gift of gratitude and love,
With lots to say,
With lots to bring.

My love for you is very strong while you treat me like a friend.
Not even a friend...more like an enemy you come to love at the end.
Think through that love, 
What does it really say?
Uncode the heart's treasures,
In your brain.
And then, walk up to me, words in mouth,
Saying a simple, "I think I'm in love with you."
And run away.

//I wrote this. I'm like Cyrano, an ugly, but beautiful poet.



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