Characters. Yeah, kid me not.

See the title? Yes.

One of the worst aspects that might turn me off in seconds once I found this in the characters.

(just an example, no offense)

Song Injae (you)

(Insert picture here)

-You are pretty

-Can play 12 instruments

-Can do b-boy

-Can Rap

-Taekwondo and other bullcrap of talents I've never really cared)

-hot temper (is this even...)



-lives with 5 kingkas, SHINee

Okay, Okay... So before I continue with a bigger list of bullcrap an author will use for their characters, am I going to read this fic? Sadly, BIG NO FROM MEH, DIBS. I cannot rap, b-boy, I can play piano and a bit bass or guitar (I learned a bit bass from school), I'm not pregnant, not an orphan, and beauty... well, is in the eye of the beholder.

Guys, guys. I'm not bashing 'you' fics, yet sadly, many fics that I've found ended up with this.

“Annyeong, ~~~~~!” Onew smiled, waving his left hand at you.

Sorry not sorry, my name is not ~~~~~.

Well, back to the character.

I've literally seen a lot of people doing fics like this, and while I might survive looking at all of them for the sake of reading, not all readers here like it. I did get misguided into putting emoticons and character bullets and stuff, but I realized these things are... not worth the reading.

These characters are just too perfect, and everyone liked them so so much, only an insane person who could hate them (usually queenkas). Their flaws are not even "flaws" to start with. It's just the dire circumstances around them that make them... special (don't get offended, I sub a lot to these kind of fics LOL). A flaw is rather the personality, not the other external thing that makes them special. Wait... to break this crap I've been talking about, I'll just say it this way.

“Sometimes, the problem is not the thing itself, but how we face it.”

Yeah. Our character's way of facing it is the most important thing. They might be ordinary, selfless, and sweet, but gosh, for the sake of every suffering readers out there, GIVE THEM A FRICKIN' FLAW. Not everyone can be smart when all they do was practice music and b-boy, not everyone have the strongest/rarest power on the universe, etc, etc. When given a conflict, the way they face it makes a diversity than other characters.

It's the personality that makes them special, not always their external abilities.


(No offense, 58% of my subs are these things LOL). Might get a chance or two.


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paintheskyy #1
Oh gosh. I read the first part about 'you' playing 12 instruments and I immediately think Mary Sue. Seriously. -.- too perfect of a character is such a turn off. >.>
Honestly I can read 'You' fics but I don't like the ones either where the character knows a hundred something different languages, has all the characters falling for him/'s just too unrealistic. I get that it's fanfiction and all, but it's a turn off for me reading a fic where twelve or more characters fall for the same person -__- Heck I even heard of one, where a character had one hundred guys fall for her O_O on those.
agreed! hahaha as soon as i see those kind of description, i immediately close the tab sorry not sorry hahaha