Short chapter or long chapter, which do you prefer? XD

I just wanna know what would you prefer between the two

coz for me, based on my experience, I'd get really bored if the chapter

is soooooo as in so freaking long >.<

Chances are, I will not read it thoroughly or I might just be skimming it.

So, how about you guys? XD


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SJ_Yewook #1
It depends on the the story... If its interesting then i would like a long chapter :))
lovelyme23 #2
oh keke~~ thanks for the answers :)
yeah, me too.. medium works for me too XD
I personally like long chappters :D
Rianne2580 #4
i agree i think it depends on the story...
like if the chapter is really long..
but when you're actually reading it..
it doesn't make it seem like you're reading forever..
so yeahh..
but sometimes i really don't like short...
so. yeah i agree with shineetaemint4eva medium<3
kinda depends on how much I'm into a story ^_^ usually I like long chapters if there's a lot of drama or something but I don't like stuff that's too long or too short :P so medium works for me ^^
levina #6
Medium :)
levina #7
50 chapter :)
medium :D
medium length :)))
-Jeija- #10
not so long and not so short :D
lovelyme23 #11
yeah, i love reading too but i'd get to be bored if the chapter is soo long >.<
I like long stories.. 'cause I like reading a novel or a fiction books...