Sooo...Life got in the way again but things are looking up.

This weekend I had a 4 hour exam about the entire history (including literary history) of Greece and Rome. Needless to say that I am exhausted and spent. BUT now that I won't be devoting all of my time to studying for that anymore, my schedule is opening up which means fics might actually get written! Hooray!

Unfortunately I also have obligations that will be intense and time consuming until May 1st. So...yea. 

Word of advice, never take a course on Greek mathematics unless you actually understand geometry...which I don't. I like languages and not numbers and shapes. Although circles are pretty.

Moving on! So what's up with that "Last Romeo" plug? Hehe I don't know about you, but I'm getting excited.

Wow! This post . I just wanted to say that fics maybe upcoming...and so is INFINITE, I guess.

Anyways, have a great day! And as always, my dear readers, 

gif from chandoo.


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