People from around the world, please answer~

Do any of you know what Waffle House is? American's may have heard of it but I was just curious if it was only in the country of the US...


Edit: It's not made of waffles. lol Here:


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leeraeah #1
nope. never heard of it before either.
it's american and i live in america and i've never seen one before LOL
Nah. Never heard of it before.
it's american and it's damn good!^^ had it in
Louisiana like three years ago but yeah it's good
Nope, never heard of it in Singapore :|
There's one in ia. A friend of mine from South Carolina says there's one around every corner down there, though. Seems like it might be a niche market.
Dana_1004 #7
I am from Slovakia and we dont have it.we are thankful that we have McDonald's! :-D
Waffle House is the best. For all I know, yes they are mainly in america. They may also be in canada or whatever but I don't know I've only ever seen like three in my life time
It's like iHop.
Breakfast food and lunch food.
They have a bunch in Louisiana.
baoZicaekeu #10
it's a house of waffles? XD haha idk
I live in the US and I've never been to one before lol but then again I've never seen one on the east coast
Where I am from in Canada doesn't have them either. And living in China... Not here either.