Choi mihyun
HelloKitty10755 // Cortney// 8-9


  • MiMi- A shortened version of her name that her brother calls her

AGE ▬ 16
PLACE OF BIRTH ▬ Chuncheon, South Korea
ETHNICTY ▬ Full Korean
HOMETOWN ▬Chuncheon, South Korea
LANGUAGE ▬ Korean- Fluent, English- Basic

APPEARANCE ▬ She has a small birthmark that looks like a heart on the inside of her thigh. She's 168 cm and weighs 50 kg.
STYLE ▬ She doesn't want to get in trouble with the way she wears her uniform, so she always makes sure that her clothes are neat and clean, her bow or tie around her neck is properly worn and that her accessories are matching.
Tell me something i don't know
what is it about you that makes you you?

QUOTE ▬ "a simple hello can lead to a million things"
THE TRAITS ▬ caring, kind, sarcastic, clumsy, shy stubborn
PERSONALITY ▬ Mihyun is really loud and crazy and happy. She likes making noises and gaining attention from everyone. Mihyun has a really bad temper when she gets angry or sad.  Mihyun also gets scared if people hit her too hard. Her mother used to hit her whenever Mihyun did something wrong, which was more than often. She gets overly emotional and it takes awhile for her to calm down and become her normal self again. So you just need to be patient. Mihyun was always pushed aside with her brother. Her mother favored Jihyun and their older sister more and it was obvious by the way their mother treated them. And because their father was never home alot, Mihyun felt insecure and lost a lot of the time. Her grades suffered a little because of this, but her brother was always ready to defend her. So Mihyun is really close with her brother. Her mother was really strict and would always hit Mihyun a lot and sometimes her brother if he came to defend Mihyun. But Mihyun would always put on a smile so people wouldn't worry about her. 

BACKGROUND ▬ Mihyun was born into a middle-class family that had enough money to live in a nice house, with nice furniture and enough food to eat. She is the youngest of her family and she has one older brother and one older sister. Her father was often never at home because he traveled for his work, resulting in Mihyun never knowing much about her father. Her mother was very strict on Mihyun and because of that, Mihyun thinks that she'll never be good enough for her mther. Her mother made her feel like she never belonged in the world or she wasn't good enough to be alive.
Choi Jungwook | 58 | Doctor | kind, quiet, protective| Father
Ahn Jee Hae | 56 | Teacher | strict, ignorrant, tempermental | Mother
Choi Yoomi | 20 | Student | uptight, quiet, ignorrant | Older Sister
Choi Jihyun | 16 | Student | quiet, shy,  | Twin Sister
Choi Woohyun | 14 | Student | hardworking, energetic, funny | Younger Brother
Choi Jinri | 17 | Student | kind, caring, humorous | Friend
Seo Joo-hyun | 18 | Student | kind, cautious, helpful | Best Friend
ice cream
sleeping in

rude people
disgusting smells
getting up early
horror movies
her mother
getting hit

she tends to call her oppas 'hyung' when she's not paying attention
singing in the shower
crossing her legs when she's sitting in a chair
fidgiting after sitting still for more than five minutes if she's bored.
when people don't answer fast enough, she says "palli palli"
bites her nails when she's nervous
covering when she laughs
smiles really big to show off her dimples

Listening to music
playing the violin and piano

can play the violin and piano 
has a silver medal from a violin and piano compeition
owns two cats
can cook
loves to eat
knows how to play the piano, the violin and the guitar
taught herself how to play the piano, the violin and the guitar
Her ideal dream date is strolling along the beach and watching the sunset
She daydreams about how she wants her future boyfriend to propose to her
has already started to plan out her wedding dress
she can dance a bit of ballet and ballroom dancing
▬she's not sure what she wants her major to be. 

For her grades, she has an a-b average for her classes. For the classes that she's best at, she can get a really high A but for the classes that she's not the best at, she can get a low to high B. She's not the type to take notes during lectures but she understands what she needs to do and makes sure she tries to do everything she does perfectly. 
She's the one the likes to sit in the back of the classroom and not draw any attention to herself. She acts nice to everyone and she's tries to become friends with her teachers. Since she's pretty smart, people come up to her during class breaks to ask her for help on things they don't know. Some kids think that if they ask her for the answers to things, she'll just tell the the answer, but instead, she'll guide them through the question to help them get to the answer. So people respect that she doesn't just give them what they want. Instead, she'll guide them through and help them.
She joined the dance club because she wanted to try new things that were out of her comfort zone. She liked dancing on her own and in private but she thought that if she joined the dance club, she could get used to showing her dancing in front of the public and get over her fear of stage fright.


Look at me now
I'm all fashion and glamore
Backup Faceclaim
what is love
we spend our lives searching for it

BACKUP(S) ▬ Kim Jongdae

PERSONALITY ▬ In everyone's eyes, Yixing always seems to be the guy that prefers to be left alone and is always sleeping when the teachers aren't around. Besides talking to the teachers, Yixing keeps to himself most of the time and doesn't like interacting with people other than the guys in Class 3-A. Because people don't know what's on his mind, they just assume that he's shy or just doesn't like people at all. He has a a passion for dancing and is part of the school's dance team. He often makes up dances that express his emotions or what he's thinking. But according to his friends, he's really romantic and will do anything to make his girlfriend happy. He's usually seen sleeping or with Yifan, who's forcing him to stay awake and pose for pictures.

RELATIONSHIP ▬ Because this is Mihyun's second year in highschool, she wanted to try and socialize more and maybe try and join a club. While she was walking through the hallways, she heard music playing from a room at the end of the hall. Naturally she got curious and opened the door a little bit to see what was going on. When she peeked inside, she saw Yixing dancing a really complicated choreography and she was really impressed. When he finished, Mihyun had intended to run away, but she leaned too much on the door and she crashed down to the floor with the door slamming into the wall, making Yixing turn around to see who it was. Yixing had intended to walk over and help her get up, but Mihyun quickly jumped up, apologized and ran out of the room.

The next day, Mihyun went back to the same room to see if that boy was still there and Yixing was. But this time he was with the whole dance team. But she was ready and entered the room introducing herself and asking whether she could join the dance club as well. Yixing instantly recognized Mihyun as the girl who had fallen the day before and immediately said that she could join the club.

Since both of them aren't that talkative in public, they tend to stay quiet unless someone starts talking to them. But during dance practice, they're both always joking around and having fun. When Mihyun is around, Yixing surprisingly stays awake to talk to her and often gives her his 'speical' smile, where he has that little dimple, because Mihyun really likes it when he smiles like that. But Yixing is always concerned about Mihyun, since he's never seen her not smile before and Mihyun's concerned about Yixing since he hurt his back once from dancing too much.


answer me
don't lie to me
What do you think of the whole second button thing ?
▬ I think the idea's really cute and it's a great way to find out whether a guy likes you or not. Why can't girls ever tell when guys like them? But I doubt any of the guys would give me one. I mean, who would like a quiet, shy girl like me?
Do you believe the rumor about love spirit in the Abandoned gym ?
▬ Who would believe a rumor like that? So no, I don't believe it.
Do you prefer to ask for the second button or receive it without asking ? Why ?
▬ I prefer to recieve it without asking because I'm really shy around guys and I like it when the guy makes the first move.
If you plan on asking a second button, who would it be ? The reason?
▬ If I were to ask someone, it would be probably be no one. I wouldn't have the courage to go an ask a guy and I guess I would be scared if the guy just laughed in my face or something like that.
Is there someone from class 3-a caught your attention ? Why ?
▬ Luhan. I mean he looks like a girl. I think I actually called him unnie once on accident. Thank goodness I whispered it and he didn't hear it.
thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS ▬ Is the background too short? I think it's too short. I'm still trying to learn how to apply for aufics. I've only learned how to apply for girl group fics /slapped. Anyways, I think this idea is really cute and I hope you'll consider me. I would suggest that you should do a chapter or so from the guy's point of view and the girl's point of view instead of just doing everything from the narrator's point of view. But it's your story, so you can decide.
Yixing and Mihyun coming up with a dance routine together. 
Yixing's friends asking him about how he feels about Mihyun
Mihyun's friends asking her about how he feels about Yixing
The dance club teasing Yixing and Mihyun when they're joking around or having fun
PASSWORD ▬ My favorite song by EXO is either Lucky or Peter Pan (both Chinese Version). I can't really decide.
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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