This guy...•-•"

Today while walking to fourth period, someone tapped my shoulder. I thought that if it was my friends, they would just pop right next to me and say "it's just me!" Or laugh and say "what's up?" or something along that line so I didn't bother to look; however, no one ever popped next to me cheerfully so I just ignored it. A male just walked right past me and started tapping random people. Then my friend standing next to me said, that was the guy that tapped you... I was like 'wth?!' But I knew that guy...not by name but he did joke with me once in the past...anyways, he was pretty cute...and he was Japanese too...I was the worst reaction in his tapping game...everyone turned to look who tapped them but I didn't...I never turned and looked!


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Lol he tried tricking you but you didn't fall for it XP I bet he was like, "What's up with this girl? Oh well, off to the next one."
/chuckles/ that guy is really something but you are more than something. seems like the trick failed since you just ignored him ^^