Seventeens secret concert

I just found this on twitter:

Credits go to: jang-dodo

Who will rise? Who will fall?

"I really hate talking about any member changes in my favorite groups, but since this evaluation thing is doing a great damage for our fandom, i’ve decided to share my thoughts on it with you.

As for Who Will Rise? part, i would say it’s gonna be…

The “Somebody to Love” Seven, who consist of:

With addition for Jisoo, Wonwoo, Seokmin and Chan.
Why them?
Seungcheol and Doyoon are really popular and Pledis has big plans for them, since they were introduced back in 2011. Seungcheol is rumored to be the leader for SEVENTEEN, he’s great rapper and responsible person (eg. when they broke the mirror in practice room, Seungcheol was first to talk to the PD). Doyoon already acted in 3 MVs and a drama. Not to mention that he was also included in MC-ing for 2nd Show. 
Then we have Jihoon, who was also introduced early, in 2012 (Pledis Boys Magazine Photoshoot). He was one of original members, and as we know, he is really talented (both singing and dancing + playing piano & guitar).
Another point goes for Wonwoo, since he is one of the most popular (if not the most popular) member in SEVENTEEN. Along with Jihoon he had the biggest amount of performances during LIKE! SEVENTEEN SHOW 3, also a solo stage. Pledis would be stupid if they let him go.
Soonyoung along with Seokmin formes SoonSeok duet, aka the comedian couple. As far as i know Soonyoung knows japanese the most (New Year Greetings in Japanese was said by Soonyoung), he was rumored to be 17-J (Japanese subgroup) leader. Seokmin is second main vocalist. He was strong enough in Pledis’ opinion to hold his own group, Giant Rockstars during Season 2.
Mingyu was one of the first rappers out there, and as far as we know, he and Seungcheol are most, let’s say, “used ones”. He got scolded a lot lately, but i think it shouldn’t make him less-attractive to Pledis, since they used to promote him a lot. Anyways, he and Wonwoo must be together. You know...
Seungkwan has established himself as SEVENTEEN’s no.1 vocalist. And it would be unbelievable if he wasn’t included in group. He sang in every possible performance, starting from opening song, ending on his stage with Junhui during 3rd show.
As for Hansol and Chan, they talent in dancing was recongized in both 2nd and 3rd Show, since they made choreography for them. Hansol is also loved by international fans, he can speak english like Jisoo, that’s big deal, since they planned on spreading Hallyu Wave, so english would be helping in this situation.

I don’t know what will happen with rest of them.

I am as sure as ever that if Pledis won’t get JunMing together in SEVENTEEN (i sincerely hope, they will get them both), the one who will stay will be Junhui. Mingming's talents and improving korean are not good enough in Pledis' opinion, but in my opinion, he's doing even better than Junhui. On other hand, Junhui is known in China, because of his acting. That could be helpful in developing new group on market, and Pledis knows it.
For Junghan i think, we haven’t seen much of him. He joined late, so that could be why we don’t know if he’s able to pull off being in SEVENTEEN. He’s claimed to be a vocalist, but when he sang “Bing Bing Bing” by FT Island on solo mission, he was out of rythm. I guess he was just nervous, but stil - an idol has to do it perfectly.
With maknaes, there are very little to none chances to get Samuel back there. I know he’s so talented for his young age, but his personal background is stopping him, so we just have to let go of him. On other hand, Dongjin seems to get sick easily. He wasn’t here during Christmas Play, during White Day. Last day we saw him was on 3rd Show. And on teasers. I think that his health may be an issue there.

And what’s your opinion?"

OMG no  Don't let Junghan go  D: And Junhui! :(And Mingming! :( And little Dongjin :'(
I already gave up on Samuel... :((((
omg I'm neary crying... I hate this whole thing !!!


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KpopForever171 #1
NOOOOO!!!! I mean I'm really excited and happy for the members who are gonna make it through, but..... They are all my babies and I absolutely love them all with my whole heart. Hopefully they debut together some other time.. I will always love each and one of these boys. All of them are talented and special in their own ways. Omg... I just wanna cry.. I just wished all of them could still just be together. But does Dongjin really get sick easily? Awwe my poor cutie pie. Make sure to be healthy. Awwwe this just made me both sad and glad..
Just realised I forgot Seungcheol :') He was in Tempest, so he's probably going to get in ^^
I made a list like this when this secret concert thing was announced, and mine is scarily similar to this. This was mine:
most likely to get in-

Ones I'm not sure about-

This worries me deeply. I adore all of them, so I'm gonna be heartbroken if any of them don't get in ><
sarangga #4