98 confessions thing (pinched from.... uh.. ive forgotten already! aish! sorry! >

Yes, im in that kind of mood today... id apologise, but i wouldnt mean it! xD

1. Last hug: online/texting, early this morning from my cousin. in real life... uh... last Wednesday night?

2. Last phone call: my friend Tyz

3. Last text message: my cousin

4. Last song you heard: something by Keane. my brother was playing it on the tv.

5. Last time you cried: uh... a couple of night ago i think?


6. Dated someone twice: nope

7. Been cheated on: yep

8. Kissed someone & regretted it: once. my first and only kiss currently

9. Lost someone special: grampy, quite a few years ago now....

10. Been depressed:  definitely

11. Been drunk and threw up: dont drink, so..... nope


12: Black

13: Purple

14: Blue


15. Made a new friend: yeh

16. Fallen out of love: kinda.... 

17. Laughed until you cried : of course!

18. Met someone who changed you: uh.... not this year, its only April, but definitely within the last year since last April, yeh.

19. Found out who your true friends were: Yes

20. Found out someone was talking about you: uh... in what sense? xD

21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: nope. boring, i know xD


22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: on here? just one... my cousin.... xD

23. How many kids do you want: only 2. 1 is too few. they need someone to play with. but 3 is really too many to handle i think, so.... 2 ^^

24. Do you have any pets: a brother..... his names Ben... xD

25. Do you want to change your name : my actual name? not really no

26. What did you do for your last birthday: had a friend round and played on the wii all day.... xD

 27. What time did you wake up today: just before 11... its easter holidays. so im allowed to be a lazy bum xD

28. What were you doing at midnight last night : talking to my cousin on skype ^^

29. Name something you cannot wait for: hmm.... food when im hungry? xD

30. Last thing you had to drink: i think it was water...

31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: my love life, or distinct lack thereof!

32. What are you listening to rite now: my laptop whirring..... everyone else has gone upstairs to bed haha

 33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: multiple Toms!

34. Who's getting on your nerves right now: usually my brother, but hes been alright today...

35. Most visited webpage: AFF, facebook and hotmail

36. What’s your real name: Robyn Giles

37. Nicknames: i used to have loads.... now i dont really have any... occasionally umma or mummy when my college friend thinks im ordering her around haha

38. Relationship Status: Single 

40. Male or female: Female

44. Write w/e you want here: IM HUNGRY!!!! feed me... uh... chicken!!! =D

45. Tall or short: uh... kind of middling? short amongst my friends, but theyre all tall! ><

46. Height: uh... i dont know it in centimetres, but last time i measured, i was 5 foot and 4 3/4 inches....

47. Do you have a crush on someone: only kpop crushes xD

48. What do you like about yourself: my eyes. currently my hair too...

49. Piercings: one in each earlobe

50. Tattoos: nope

51. Righty or lefty : Righty


53. First piercing: when i was 16, so..... uh.... 7 years ago? i think? 

54. First best friend: Nathan, nursery school, a looooooooooooooooong time ago!!

55. First sport you joined: Rugby

56. First vacationarrow-10x10.png: not a clue.... xD first abroad vacation was to Montenegro


59. Eating: nothing sadly... i was eating chocolate, but its all gone now... =(

60. Drinking: again, its gonbe...

61. I'm about to: uh.... finish this blog? xD

62. Listening to: same as before, my laptop whirring haha

63. Waiting for: my cousin to reply - oh there she is! ^^


64. Want kids: yep

65. Get married: of course

66. Career: undecided! something in graphic design and/or photography....


67. Lips or eyes: i like eyes more, but i notice lips more.... O.o

68. Hugs or kisses: hugs

69. Shorter or taller: definitely taller

70. Older or Younger: older

71. Romantic or spontaneous: mmm.... i think both or either, depending on the situation ^^

72. Nice stomach or nice arms: uh.....stomach?

73. Sensitive or loud: again, it depends on the situation, but mostly sensitive ^^

74. Hook-up or relationship: relationship


76. Kissed a stranger: No

78. Lost glasses/contacts: No

80. Broken someone's heart: uh... possibly... oh! yes. yes i have.... unintentionally! but... yeh.... 

82. Been arrested: No

83. Turned someone down: yep 

84. Cried when someone die: has anyone not?

85. Fallen for a friend: mhmm


86. Yourself: sometimes

87. Miracles: definitely

88. Love at first sight: mmm.... i believe in the illusion of love at first sight, but usually in those instances, it doesnt really last....

89. Heaven: no question

91. Kiss on the first date: maybe on the cheek haha, but not a proper kiss, no

92.  Angels: in many forms


94. Had more than 1 boyfriend at a time: definitely not

95. Did you sing today: not today

96. Ever cheated on somebody: never have, never will. 

97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go: ....i have no clue.... xD i think that would depend on whether i would remember everything, or just end up back where i was at that time.....

98. The moment you would choose: to go back to? still not a clue... sorry!!


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