new name & semi-hiatus

Hey guys, KissMeHard here! but I am officially changing my name to pandoraaaa (which is what loads of people call me lol). I was tempted to go for "KrisMeHard" (thanks, steph :P) but in the end, I thought of keeping it simple^^


and as for the second part of this blog: I just want to use it to announce my official Hiatus! it's semi because I will probably be here from time to time in my breaks, reading and commenting as usual and there are slim chances that I will update every so often in the free time I am not devoting to revision! however, I would really appreciate if you would all be patient with me because those chances are like seriously low lol.


I am planning on finishing Look Right In Front Of You really soon (tomorrow/ day after) tho so look forward to that :D


the reason for the Hiatus is pretty simple: GCSEs. in case you don't know, these are like HUGE exams (General Certificate of Secondary Education) that kind of write a large portion of my life for me lol. if I don't do well (and get full marks in English because I was like 10 marks away in my mock!), then I can kiss my dreams of becoming an author, teacher and eventually owning a Publishing company goodbye lol.


so there's why. 


thanks! much love,


xx Dora


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MikoDreamz #1
Oh wow, I'm starting my IGCSE in September so I understand. Ugh I almost didn't make it into the advance eng batch cuz of a mistake in reading the essay question. I almost make these mistakes idk why. Thankfully it wasn't so bad this time. Good luck unni!!
ShawolELF92 #2
New subscriber here from reading "Right in Front of You" but good luck on your tests! I'm in university right now, so I know how important those sorts of tests can be! Study hard and do well! It's cool that your dream is to be an author! From that story of yours I read I think you'll do really well as an author! Good luck with everything! :D If you do write a book eventually mention it on here and I'll surely buy it! I really like your writing style!
KRISMEHARD WILL LIVE DOWN IN INFAMY! OMG I hope you do own a publishing company...when you do let me hmu bc it's also my dream to publish a book <3 ___ <3 I will be your first customer!!!!!
Of course we will wait for you!!! Good luck!!! I hope you get top marks and get one step closer to your dreams!! Pandora FIGHTING!!!! <33
Omg good luck!! :O I'm going through SATs and crap this week -.- all these big tests and I'm just like ._. English is no problem for me, I always score pretty high, but math... oh boy >.>
Good luck!! ^^