
These in pink are so dope to me.  But $160 for some shoes?

These are super cute in the pink too.  Still steep though.  My dad has been telling me to buy more expensive shoes though...

The colors are super bright for every day wear but how gorg is that purple?

Purple lips are so gorgeous!... when is the last time I wore lipstick

that applies to this too.  But shade number nine is pretty and omg so is the packaging

my mom wore opium by YSL, this would be like a tribute to her.

This brush might change my face and body.. or it could sit in a drawer with the rest of the stuff I bought off amazon that I hardly use (like the body roller, the orabrush, the teeth whitener, the clay mask...)

that's pretty cute, I kinda wanna try the site + these in pink and brown and these in gold

it gets hot in my room in the spring

again with the purple lips

did I mention I spent 60 bucks at Teavana on tea stuff the other day?



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