Translation Shop has now 12 languages available!! :o

So, like I just told you yesterday, Angel110 and I opened a translation shop.. Yesterday!
And within the day we've got enough translators, to have now 12 different languages available!! :o
I haven't thought I would find so many people :D
The available languages at the moment are:

  1. Albanian
  2. Bulgarian
  3. Chinese
  4. Dutch
  5. German
  6. Indonesian
  7. Italian
  8. Lithuanian
  9. Malay
  10. Portuguese
  11. Spanish
  12. Turkish

Isn't that great? *_*
But sadly, we don't have any requests until now. So if you're dreaming about getting your story translated into another language, go request NOW! :)


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ashgray #1
I could translate stuff to Korean and Japanese for people but I never have time to sit down and do orz