Party Time~! (Pyeong Is Eul | Merong Queen | Izzy )

Pyeong Is Eul
beautyNcupcakes // SAIA // 9-ish

Pop (rice) -- what her brother calls her
Pyo-Merong -- what her friends/band/fans and family call her
Izzy -- what everyone else calls her
DATE OF BIRTH: October 19 1991
AGE: 23
PLACE OF BIRTH: Chuncheon, Gangwon, South Korea
HOMETOWN: Chuncheon, Gangwon, South Korea
LANGUAGE: Korean (fluent) English (some words here and there) KSL (fluent)
» Showtime
STAGE PERSONA: Merong Queen/Leader
POSITION: Leader, Lead Vocals, Sub Rapper
FANCLUB COLOR: Lime Green #66ff66
Tell me something i don't know
what is it about you that makes you you?

“Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.”

First and foremost Izzy is not an Aegyo Queen she hates the term and that people use it to define her for most of her life. She might get a temper if you call her this, and it is hard to trigger this girls temper. She is one of those people who never seem mad or angry, because in her world, anger just takes away your ability to see the best in the world. IF asked if the glass if half full or half empty she states 'I'm just grateful there is something in it!' Most find her personalty over baring and the fact that she is always smiling and laughing a hindrance in being around her or serious with her. So she doesn't have many 'close friends' she however says she has many friends she likes to play with. People come to her when they need to smile, want to joke, or just have a good time, this is problematic because when she's being serious most people never treat her as if she is. Izzy is seen as a very naive girl, someone whose head is always in the clouds. Many try to walk all over her and see her as a push over because she might just sit back and let that person do as they please, why should she care? It's not like your bad mood makes her day bad? Izzy isn't one to curse or behave 'in a lude manner with boys' (said in her grandmothers voice) she feels this goes against her families teachings and ruins the fun. Always seen smiling and with a joke on her lips Izzy is very approachable and most believe she is much younger than she really is. Izzy is a very klutzy girl, she is always falling/tripping on stairs/curbs/ect, smacking people when she talks (she gestures with her hands do to Kangdae), falling off of chairs/platforms, dropping things (she loves dropping her microphone) saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. When this happens she will typically laugh stick her tongue out and rub the back of her head saying 'ohhh' as if it was all a big joke. Thus her Nick name Pyo-Merong

People that actually get to know Izzy know that she has what they call a 'double side' to her. This is her 'Mamma Bare' side, no one wants to see this side of her. She is known to scold, yell, threaten to call parents, all kids of things. She is very protective of her 'dongsengs' as she puts it. She hates bulling and yelling at her dongsengs she will not stand for it. In her eyes youth is youth and must be persevered, yes they do wrong but that is the point of youth. Therefor she will take the blame for something her dongsengs have done and shoulder the burden herself because they need to be sheltered. Though she expects her dongsengs to give 100% just as she gives, she believes leading by example is a good way to teach youth, so she is very dedicated, very determined, yet she knows when it's time to have fun and enjoy what is around her.

» Background

"A life in which egos are all autonomous, separate, discrete and self-sufficient is too cold, impersonal, lonely and inhuman."

Pyeong Iseul comes from a very old Korean family that holds true to Korean way of life and family values. She has her grandparents (fathers side), Father, Mother, and younger brother (Kang Dae 20). They are an upper middle class family, that live in an old traditional Korean home and seemed to want for nothing. One thing that united the family (if it needed the help) was the son Kangdae was born deaf, this let to the family being very accepting of things they can not change, very protective of each other, and very open meaning they tell each other most everything. Izzy wasn't the best student, she didn't get into trouble much, and she didn't get the lowest grades, average was a good way to describe Izzy's school life.

Singing had always been a part of Izzy's life, she and her mother would sing all the time, her grandmother sang as well with her from time to time. At sixteen Izzy for the first time went against her families wishes and auditioned for JYP, she was able to land herself a trainee position and when she brought the news home her family reaction was not what she was hoping for. They did not support her, believing that she was wasting her time and that her personalty wouldn't last in the world she wanted to be apart of. After much fighting and her grandfather finally giving in (because he always gives in to Iseul) she was allowed to move to Seoul and become a full time Trainee as long as she swore that no matter what happens she will see it through to the bitter end and that she understands her family has no sympathy should she fail.

Yay Or Nay
the traits that define you
» Likes
  • one: Mixing sweet foods with spicy or sour things.
  • two: Fruit she has a weight problem and changed her diet to non junk food and she has been eating fruit and loves it. Jokes that's why she's so sweet.
  • three: Telling jokes, making others laugh she believe the worlds troubles could be solved if more people laughed.
  • four: Playing the guitar and drums, this is something her brought got her into and she takes her old guitar with her where ever she goes.
  • five: Cute things, she loves them and will freak out when she sees them, from accessories, to plushies, key chains, clothing, idols, phones, baby animals (only pictures of dogs not real dogs)
  • six: Skinship she is the skinship queen! She will hang on you, hug you, kiss your cheek, hug you, grab you, she is all over people. Mostly her band. She doesn't know why she does it, she just does it.
» Dislikes
  • one: Cooking, she can't do it to save her life.
  • two: Bullies, those that feel they need to put others down.
  • three: People who don't listen to direction and feel they are right only to be wrong and take longer to get to the answer.
  • four: Those that are to serious, they never see the good in life.
  • five: Overly sappy or dramatic movies or dramas, give her a good comedy or horror movie/drama and she's happy
» Fears
  • one: Failing at her life choices, it's always been a fear to let herself down or her family down.
  • two: Roller coasters, she will not go on them, you got to be kidding her!
  • three: Dogs, she is known to scream and react like people to do spiders, she will go out of her way to stay away from them.
  • four: That she will one day get mad, she has never gotten 'livid' she has gotten angry or a bit rattled but never 'mad' so she fears that either she can't or that if she does she wont be the same person.
  • five: Cars, she wold rather ride the bus or a bike or even walk, all the stories about car accidents make her nervous.
» Hobbies
  • one: Saving up for her dream bike a Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14R ABS.
  • two: Wondering around watching life happen around her.
  • three: Stand up comedy she has been performing in Hongdae and Cheongdam-dong cubs sense she arrived in Seoul, if she wasn't a singer she would be a comedian
  • four: Collecting manga or graphic novels, she has a vast collection in her dorm and even more at home her brother keeps for her.
  • five: Composting music, she's not so good at lyrics but when she has a beat in her head she has to write it down or get it out.
» Habits
  • one: Sticking her tongue out. When ever she's doing something that requires consideration, writing, dancing,playing an instrument, or she does something that makes
    people laugh or her laugh she sticks her tongue out.
  • two: She uses hand gestures when she talks, almost like she is trying to sign the words, she will even do that without realizing it.
  • three: Laughing in a serious moment, she doesn't know why she just laughs.
  • four: Nodding her head, tapping her hands or feet to a beat even if its in her head.
  • five: Pouting, she will just randomly pout as if her train of thought was being mean to her and needed her to pout.
» Trivia
  • one: She speaks/knows Korean Sign Language.
  • two: She cut her hair short when she was eight and never grew it back out, at sixteen she bleached it blonde and likes to wear wigs on occasion.
  • three: She has stated her dream guy is someone like Park Yoochan of DBSK/JYJ
  • four: Her idols are, Rain Bi, LYn, Younha, Brian Joo, Bada, and Eugene of SES
  • five: She has been told she has a sweet voice, as well as when she raps she trues into a whole other person like a hidden personalty.
Look at me now
I'm all fashion and glamore
» Faceclaim
IDOL NAME: Fat Cat //  Kim So Young
» Backup Faceclaim
IDOL NAME: Gain Brown Eyed Girls 
what is love
we spend our lives searching for it
» the basics
LOVE RELATIONSHIP PERSONA:  Cavity Couple ---what others call them ...Pop-Merong ---what the fans call them 
LOVE INTEREST: Gong Chan Shik B1A4 
BACKUP: Jung Jin Young B1A4 


Gongchan is very simple. He enjoys having fun, spending his time laughing and playing. He sees the world as simple ie black and white, people are either good or bad in his book and there is no changing that. He enjoys hanging our with friends/band mates and will go out of his way to have a good time, even if he needs to be working and serious. He is know by most for his 'cute' behavior he would like to say he's more but he's pretty sure he's just stuck. Though he dose get aggravated from time to time being called cute what guy wants to be cute their whole life? Yet he is very dedicated to his work, he sees it as playing and is very serious at times when he MUST BE. If there is one thing you don't want to do is make Gongchan mad. He's got one explosive temper though its hard to make him mad at all. When he's mad he's mad and there is no saving who he's mad at. It also doesn't help that everyone tip toes around his anger issues and never address it because he only gets angry every now and again.

The thing that Izzy likes about him is that he sees the world much the same way she does. It's all fun and games really? Why sweat the hard stuff when it can't be changed? They can joke with each other and play around no problem. However they both understand that the other can be serious from time to time, in Izzy's world Gongchan is about the only one who sees her as a serious person. And Izzy sees Gongchan for more than just that cute guy, even if she calls him cute often.


"Ah you're with Noona!?" "Wait isn't he younger than you...?"

If you ever want to not get something done get these two together. They will find everything to do to play and have fun, tell jokes, pull pranks. These two are all over having a good time. They are both heaving with the skinship, hanging on each other, holding hands, kissing cheeks, lots of hugging. They are almost always smiling at each other and telling another joke. IF they do fight, its over really fast and half the time others don't know they fought. People around them say they will get cavities too fast, but they ignore them. After all is said and done these two can be found sitting next to each other listing to music quietly talking and giggling to each other. They are very honest with one another and tell each other a lot of secrets.

The met/meet (before or after debut it doesn't matter) when Izzy's walking home, she gets 'attacked' by a dog (it's a small little fluffy dog that barks at her from the yard) and she screams freaks out and slams into Gongchan who thinks it's the funniest thing in the world. At first he thinks she's young, maybe his age? But when he finds out she's older he gets bummed and she is curious to why. He says that he likes her she agrees she likes him too but why does it matter they are different in age? Some people find it strange that she's older than him and he jokingly calls her his 'puma' (term for cougar that's under 30)

thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS: I accidentally deleted this twice >< ah me...anyway if there is any trouble with her let me know. I know she's a but super sweet cute...but yeah ><
SUGGESTIONS: Not at the moment.
SCENE REQUEST: Her getting onto her and dongsengs because i find that funny...she's not taken seriously often.
PASSWORD:  Neon Lights
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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