once upon a life


I havnt updated in months...

Heres a gist of why

1. School is being a in head and hammering me with homework becuase apparantly seiors r supposed to do like 3 friggn hours of hm a night

2. I finally moved out of home... sort of. After years of beggin to leav, my mum finally got the brevity of the impact the emotional abuse her bf put me throo had on me (and he also trashd my room)

3. I hav a hard enough time gettin up and puttin on ma brave face and 'smile' evry morning let al8ne tryin to make other peeps happy

4. I got a part time job

5. Its exam fortnight now


Yes, im writin this becuase I need an outlet more than for actual factual purpose. Im pretty sure no one gives a bout ma stories anyway.

Holidays r soon. Im hopin dat il find it in myself to write then.


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YukiBt #1
I love your stories Kayla-unni!!! Please do continue to write, I love your stories! Specifically In Love With The Enemy and Oppa, I'm a man! :3 Hehe (I wonder if perhaps you remember me >:3 )
I hope you are alright my fellow fangirl ^^ /hugs you/