Fanfiction author/reader survey stolen from StarlightSpirit

State your fanfiction pen name.


Are you more of a reader or a writer?

a little bit of both, tbh. I write but I read so long as my interest is captivated.

When did you first start reading/writing fanfiction?

Naruto in like... idk 7th grade.

What’s the first fanfiction you ever read/wrote? What is it about?

my first fanfiction.

was a 2min genderbend.

and it has been deleted off the face of the earth.

What ratings do you read/write?

i try to keep it pg-13 since writing makes me uncomfortable. but i'll add some raciness here and there XD

What was your first fandom?


dun judge me.

List all the fandoms you have read/written in.


Then I think it was like... idek some anime. Oh wait Axis Powers Hetalis.

And then SHINee.

Then Super Junior.

and a lil bit of EXO.

and then obviously Infinite.

as for reading it's like everything.

What is your favorite fandom to read/write for?



Any fandom you would like to write in?

Teen Top, honestly. Maybe throw some MYName in there.


What was your first ship?

first ship ever? i think it was hinataxgaara or hinataxkiba. dun remembah.

first kpo ship was actually 2min. 


List all the pairings you have read/written in.







yeolxeveryone /slapped/

wootae (as in wooyoung and taeyeon ok)



every suju pairing.

every 'mainstream' exo pairing.

the list could go on forever.


What is your favorite pairing to read/write for?

myungyeol. hands effing down. you don't understand my love for that ship.


Is there any pairing you refuse to read/write?

myungjong. I have a terribly bad relationship with that otp due to some myungjong shippers who decided to tell me that myungyeol because yeol was useless and made myung look bad and from there yeol was my bias and i hated myungjong. ( but i love sungjong he's my husband, seriously we held hands at OGS he is mine. )


What do you think of het stories? Slash/? Femslash/Yuri?

het? tis alright depending on the OTP. OC/You fics are things I despise because Mary Sues are unavoidable.

is life.

Yuri is alright. Not that into it though.

What is your favorite genre?

comedy is always great. i guess it depends on my mood .-.

lol i'm a fan of mysteries. lately i've been getting into real k-drama-esque ones. ike soap-opera status. real dramatic. i hate and love at the same time otl.



What is your least favorite genre?

high school romance

(shoot me, i know, Sungyeol the Stupid Love Doctor)

but i'm talking the typical kingka likes nerd and queenka sabotage and vice versa and someone eventually gets into a life threatening situation. like no that's a big turn off. also vampires. too much of that. and things that try too hard to be too artsy. like stop using so much metaphorical language i'm tryingt o read about my ship.

depends on the fic though, of course.

Any genre you would like to read/write for?

i've been testing out action/survival ( and lemme tell you, it is hard )

i wanna make a dramatic one but I'm not good at that.

List all of your favorite writers.

oh jeez, uhm.








and i don't feel like going through my subscriptions so =3=

Which writer inspires your own work?

uhhh... i dunno, really. I look up to all of them for their different styles and strengths. I get inspired by my feels so...


What story has the most impact to you, so much that you remember it all the time?

fanfiction-wise, I don't think I have one. Like... life-impacting. Nothing I've read has touched on a personal base with me yet, so...

actually wait I take that back.

Mistake of a Lifetime by myungyeolli ( myungjong and myungyeol but predominantly myungyeol )

it's the drama one I'm talking about but I connect to it on a deeper level because of one of the side characters ( myungjee ). Read because that child makes me want to flip everything and protect him. I've had experience in a somewhat similar situation ( childwise not plot-wise ) so it makes my heart break.


What is website you use most to read/write fanfiction?



Any certain things you avoid reading/writing about?

. and super super gruesome abuse that makes you want to vomit. like, no, I understand you use gruesome language to display itsgruesome nature but I personally can't handle it.


What do you enjoy best about fanfiction in general?

the freedom. write what you want, read what you want, no one can stop you because it's fanfiction.


Do you have any fanfiction pet peeves?

grammer. ( aka bad grammar )

very typical cliches. If you can take a cliche and sort of add your own little spin to it I appreciate that. ( for me, Sungyeol the Stupid Love Doctor is a good 'ol cliche style fic with a big dose of personality and quirkiness. )

comment, upvote or subscription requirement.


Does the number of reviews tell how good a story is?

no. I've found hidden gems all over this site.

however, I do check statistics before I read ( like if it's got 60 chapters and 3 comments would you read it )

the comment quality is also important. like if it's small meanigless 'update soons' then is it really good or is it just an otp fest.


How long should a chapter be?

idk. as long as you think it should be. not too short obviously -- better to be too long than too short. my chapters are all written on Word and I make myself hit a minimum of 10 pages at LEAST. I don't allow myself over, say... 22, though. I think too long chapters might also get boring.


Have you ever flamed someone?


Have you ever been flamed?

not that I know of.

but if i have then i wanna know what they said just so i know what's unsatisfactory to them.


Do you roleplay online?




(Writers Only)


How many published fanfictions have you written?

my profile says 11 but i've finished maybe... 3-4 and i've left the others to die so... OTL


Which one of your fanfictions has the most words? The most views? The most comments? The most upvotes?

most words is probably my oldest and longest living SuJu fic "I'm Just a Bodyguard" ( dont read it it makes me cringe. )

Most view is StSLD ( 33170 as of right now )

Most comments is also StSLD ( 777 rn )

and most upvotes -- wow, shocker -- StSLD ( 162 rn )


At the moment, which one of your fanfictions is your favorite/you are the most proud of? (you can include unpublished fanfictions)

finished and on here it would be StSLD.

upcoming it's Believe.

and unnpublished at all it's Baby, Mine.

Out of all characters you have written, which one do you feel you identify the most with?


does the third person voice in StSLDcount? cause that's how I talk. I speak "formally" with an underlying tone of sarcasm so..


Do you use beta reader?

i've had one and that'sfor Barcodes. But sh'es more ofa co since she came up with like half the plot.

What warnings have you used on your stories?





Do reviews affect how you write in any way?

reviews as in comments? yeah. I'll be honest, i love long and insightful comments ( which i have not received much otl )or maybe some witty comments. but it all depends. like if i KNOW i have five hundred subs then I'm not that happy with two comments after working to give them that chapter, you know? but i love every comment i get.


What makes you happy the most as a writer?

people enjoying it and recommending it. and i think it's adorable when people PMme and tell me they love my work like I'm their senpai or something lol.


Do you generally outline your fanfictions or do you prefer to write spontaneously then revise?

i outline it in my mind then word vomit with my fingers.

doesn't usually work since i forget east. especialy withYouTube.

Have you ever stolen something from another person’s work?

i have not stolen a storyline or plot or original idea from someone else. I mean, i get some jokes from real life but...

What do you feel is your biggest challenge when writing?


character development.

plot development.

how to make the reader understand what's happening well.


Do you have any certain ritual to do before/while/after you write?

not really. i just get a plot epiphany.

Do you actively advertise your story or request for reviews/upvotes?

not really.i ask them to comment and upvote if they're pleased ( so i don't sound too demanding or needy ) but I honestly want to tell them to leave a comment because sometimes i WANT them to comment, y know. But I dun wanna sound too self-centered or needy ( I'm so conscious about that OTL )


Would you ever want a trailer for a fanfiction you’ve written to be made?

i've asked for like 2 but i just found them unnecessary yeah, it's cool but it's a pain for people to make.


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i'm crying at this because you listed me as one of your faves (which is why, thank you i'm amazed) but then i keep reading and you say that you don't like which is like the only thing i do so i'm confused but thankful, really!
Also *goes and hides You Will Meet a Tall, Handsome Stranger* because that's my attempt at being artsy.
WHY AM I THERE!? I should not be there.