❧ Red Velvet - YK (Application)

|Park | YeongGi |


Username: _YeongGi_  | Nickname: YeongGi | Activeness: 9.9






Full Name: Park YeongGi

Nickname(s): GiGi | Everyone | Because is a shortened version of her name.

Birthdate: 08/03/1995

Age: 19

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Pure Korean

Languages: Korean - Very fluent

              English - Fluent

              Chinese Mandarin - Conversational

              Chinese Cantonese - Conversational




Personality Traits: 

Positives: Cheerful, Warm-Hearted, Strong, cute and careful

Negatives: can be harsh, Sour, cheeky, stupid and secretive


YeongGi is a very cheerful girl, she doesn't like to see people sad or cry around her. She will always try her best to cheer people up. But she can be harsh sometime, let's say if your outfit isn't good enough in her eyes, she will say harsh things to you like 'Did you get this dress from a rubbish bin?' and etc.

She's a warm-hearted girl, she like to help people with all her hearts. But she's a sour girl too. Like if there's one person, she doesn't like, she won't talk to that peron or even greet that person.

She's a strong girl, if somewhere in her body is injured, she still will stand on the stage to perform to her fans. She doesn't cry easily even though she want to, she will hold it back. But she's very cheeky like a little mouse. People doesn't like her when she's cheeky. She like to joke about people most of the time.

She's a cute girl that everyone like. She's very good at aegyo and you will always fall for it. But she's also a stupid a girl too, always say stupid things and think stupid things. That's why she always get slap on the head from others a lot.

YeongGi is a careful girl, she will always look out for others if they are not careful enough. She's a very secretive girl. Not a lot of people know her secret, she almost kept all the secret to herself. So there's no point asking her to you a secret of hers. Well, only the people that she's close with will know only some of her secrets. Only some, she have hundreds of secrets.

Likes: Bubble Tea, Perfume, Green apples, sweets, manga, plushies, music, mcdonalds.

Dislikes: mud, dirt, noises, waking up early, snoring, heavy make up, showing off, dull colors.

Habbits: wink, stick her tongue out, her lips, bite her fingers

Hobbies: basketball, drawing, reading, listening to music, eating, sleeping, singing in the shower

Trivia: Fiddling with people's hair. (Someone she's close with)

She like to play piano.

She has a MCM backpack.

Always listen to music.

She has an iPod Touch 5th Generation, iPad Air and iPhone 5S

She has a twitter, facebook, instagram account.

Her email is an Outlook Email.

Always drink water (10 cups of water everyday)

Like to bite people's shoulder.

Has a lot of plushies on her bed.

If she was a boy, her ideal type will be Katy Perry.

Her ideal type is someone cute and cheerful. Has cute eyes.

Idol Friends/Non-Idol Friends:

Park ChanYeol | 21 | EXO 

Jiyeon | 20 | T-ara

LuHan | 23 | EXO 

Jessica | 24 | SNSD  

Krystal | 19 | f(x) 




Face Claim: Park Hye Min

Back up Face Claim: //

Others: A Heart birth mark on her right side of her neck.

A music note tatto at the right hand of the outside hand and below the pinky.

Style: Her style is cute and fresh and is funky at the same time.




Stage Name: YK (Stands for Yolo Kolo, Yolo means 'You only live once'. Kolo means 'To go crazy'. So this means 'You only live once, so go crazy!'

Persona: Green Apple

FanClub name: YKrazy

Fan Color:        

Position: Main dancer, second lead vocalist

Back-up Position: //

Trainee Years: 3 years

Trainee Life: She started her trainee life when she was 16. Trainee life was hard for her. She have to train every single day. Only 3 meals a day. She always work her very best, she even trained at night. She needed to wake up early everyday, and she always misses her family. She wanted to cry, but she never cried. People even talked about why she don't cry in her trainee days.


Singing Twin: (Aliee | Link | )

Dancing Twin: (Hyeyeon | Link | )

Rapping twin: (Jia | Link | )




Love interest: Park ChanYeol | ChanYeol | EXO | 21

Relationship: Best friends, but like each other. 

Personality Traits: 

Positives; Cheerful, Cute, Bright, Strong, Gentle

Negatives; Short-tempered, untidy, Clumsy, Stupid, Impatient



He has those cheerful personalty like YeongGi's, he's always cheerful around people, he thinks that if someone if cheerful is the most important thing to someone. But he is short-tempered at the same time. He gets angry really easily. Let's say he got jealous, he will get angry and drag her out of the door. But after a while, he will get better and apologize.

He's a very cute boy, full of aegyos. He uses aegyos to beg people. But he's a very untidy boy. His bedroom just a mess, a lot of time, he doesn't tidy his bedroom, they leave it for people to help him to tidy it for him.

He's a bright boy, always smile and laugh. He rarely cries. But he's very clumsy. That's why he doesn't really like do works, like moving things around or cook. When he take plates out of the drawer, he will always drop one, people just don't if his hand is too small or he did it on purpose or is it just his personality.

He's very strong boy, as I said, he rarely cries, but he still cries but only a feww drop of tears. But he's stupid too like YeongGi. Always say stupid things at the wrong time, wrong place. Thinks stupid things that is just impossible that thing is going to happen in this world.

He's gentle when he's not angry of course. He's just such a gentleman. He thinks always ladies first, he never fight with girls even though sometime they are annoying. But he's an impatient boy, he can't wait for people for long, if he did, he will get angry and shout at you but at the end, he will just apologize.


They met on a raining day, when YeongGi doesn't have an umbrella, ChanYeol went to YeongGi and handed her the umbrella. They greeted each other and they stood under the umbrella for like half a hour? They when the rain stopped, ChanYeol had to go and handed her his umbrella, when she opened up the umbrella again because it started to rain again. A little paper note fell onto the ground and it says PARK CHANYEOL and it has his mobile number on. Then once she got home, she dialed the number, and ChanYeol picked the call up. They started to talk and they became close. They started to meet up sometimes when they're free. They can became closer and closer and BOOM! They became best friends. 

They always say sweet things to each other. They sometime feel awkward around each other, but not very awkward. They give a lot of compliments to each other too, like all the time. They can be cheesy towards each other.

They will change their relationship because soon they realise that they like each other, but they still doesn't they like each other. So basically YeongGi like ChanYeol and ChanYeol like YeongGi but they didn't tell each other.



Back-up Love Interest: Kim TaeHyung (V)




Scandals: //

Scene Request(s): We got married or Hellow Baby

Comments: Nope!

Password: We Are Red Velvet


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