GOT7 on K-Poppin (Jan, 30th)

Hallo everyone~~ Janey/Juani here :D

So, I still can't get over these babies from GOT7 <3 And I just finished watching the video of them in K-Poppin:

OMG! Jackson's English is just eirhfvndcosvobswvd, how come I find y or adorable everything he does? Maybe I'm too biased lol.

And let's go to the straight point of this blog: 


There was one question that the host asked: If you were a girl who would you date?

Bam Bam's answer just got me fangirling during the rest of the video video sdfvjhsdvksdvkdkfv, 

"I choose Mark. You know... He's pretty good looking, hands down, y, nice personality... Perfect".

Those were his exact freaking words... All in English

-Excuse me while a fangirl for a moment-



I seriously ship those two as much as I ship MarkSon jbdhvksdfjmnvlksdmvaskfcjnskdv

-end of fangirling- 

I know it's a little late to talk about this -two months actually- and I just happened to wacht it today because I was too lazy to watch it before, but I just could not ignore it and decided to write about it. 

Seriosuly, these guys from GOT7 are ruining my life with everything they do <3 

Ok, that was it! Bye guys~~ 



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BamBam is having one-sided crush on mark while mark is having his own triangle love with jackson and jr. Tho im convinved jackson and mark 'officially' married since their trainee years. I mean, who are we kidding? Mr.Tuan and Mrs. tuan were there witnessing it. Anyways, these bunch of gays are ruining my life too. T.T lets just cry together in the corner...
durian2003 #2
Don't worry about being late. Heck! I just knew there was such an interview of them out there!! Which I gotta thank you for linking!!
But really... they're just REALLY HOT, Right~? XD Okay, not just hot; equally talented too. I love their song Like Oh. I have a feeling it's gonna be my No.1 Most Played song and kick off TVXQ's BUG (GAH!! I'm a bad Cassie! OTL)