
Rule 1: Post the rules 

Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagged asked you, then make 11 new ones

Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to this post

Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them


1- How do you feel about your life?

Well that's a hard question!! But as long as I am fineand safe, surrounded by my loved ones (dad travelled out of the country today I already miss him though D:) and am Muslim, I'm okay :)

2- How many relationships have you been in?

I never dated.

3- Have you ever cheated on someone?

I said I never dated, and I wouldn't even do that it's low.

4- If you can be anyone in this world, would you stay as yourself or change? Why?

Hmm... I want to be many people, but just for a day or so, to feel what they are living, for example I wanna be Dad, he's always exhausted, or mom, to know how it feels to be a responsible mother, my friends also, and idols.

5- If you had one wish possible, Anything, what would it be?

World peace, let's not fight shall we?

6- What's the best fic you have ever read?

There are many fics I love but the best of them must be one of elisaexplosive stories, maybe The Dollhouse: Clandestine? All of them are mindblowing :)

7- What's the best movie you have ever watched?

I don't really watch movies, I don't watch TV a lot at all, but I think it'd be an animated one :p

8- What's the best thing that happened to you in 2014?

Knwoing many new friends :3 oh oh and starting to love BTS

9-If you met your bias what would you tell him/her?

Depends on which bias though :p well if it's Kai, my UB, I'd tell him how much grateful I am for him since this guy really changed me, not kidding here, for the better (long story here) I also learned many things from him. Well generally my biases are those nice innocent bullied kids in the group lol I'd tell him to keep safe and don't push on himself so much, to eat well and sleep well, I'm a nagging mom that way :3

10- Describe yourself in five words

Me? Well sorry if you don't think it's true, I'll try my best:

Weird, Smart, Nice, Gullible, Selfless

11- Describe me in five words

Cheerful, Hot-tempered, Full of aegyo (that's not one word but well), Pretty, Suspcious. Can I add more? XD


If You are tagged you ave to answer these questions~

1. Is there something you want to change in yourself? be it physical or moral.

2. What/Who inspires you the most? 

3. You have the power to change one thing in the world, what would it be?

4. What's the most embarassing thing that happened to you?

5. Set the five most important people in your life.

6. Is there something you tresure or you think is a lucky charm for you?

7. You're having a surgery with a 50% success rant. Who are the people you'd tell about it?

8. What do you susually do when you're sad/depressed?

9. If you had a chance to meet someone from the past/dead, who would it be?

10. You're in a spaceship and it's going to explode, there is one small emergency ship to go back to earth and you have to go, list ten things to take with you, knowing that ship has everything.

11. What do you think about the person who tagged you?


And I tag:













Have a nice day :3


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I didn't know you were Muslim. :) that's great to know! and your answer in question number 4 is somehow sweet, to want to feel what it's like to be your parents. :)
and oh, I'm tagged. what do I do? I don't blog much, my thoughts are always a mess. but I'll do my best to answer you, lovely.