I suppose this is a drabble I wrote out of pure boredom??

You is sehun ahah. 




I find languidness in the way the cells in your physique collide onto one another and move around when the music starts to boom from the base in the unnoticed background. Your forearms, as awkward as this may come out, the veins that slightly jot out from your forearms are highly alluring; it causes me to shrivel, but not in the way that I’m scared or nervous; just out of interest –pure curiosity and interest.

The first asset I noticed when we first encountered was your hand.

You had dropped something and I heard you cuss slightly whilst attempting to pick up the book that slipped away from your fingers; it was when I started to panic because you had apparently dropped that book in front of me. It was a moment that was forgettable, yet somehow I still reminisce about it ‘til this day.

Hot humid weather combined with thick clothing and a musty scent wasn’t exactly the epitome of a great day for you, I could tell by the weird and funny smelling odor you emitted from all the man perfume you wore, I presumed. The second asset I noticed on you weas your blonde locks; dyed, of course.

I tried to look away, I really did.

But with you bending down blocking my path, I honestly couldn’t help but stare; it was an instinct of a regular teenage girl. Although I did look hooligan-like with my frizzy-untamed hair at the time and place, Aztec printed pants and a big white shirt to top it all off, you looked up to interlock gazes with me anyway, you smirked.

“I’m sorry,” you said standing up straight once more, running your fingers through your hair. I just meekly smiled at you, but not enough for you to notice. “I honestly didn’t know what got into me. I just fell, I guess.”

“Gravitational force, you’re supposing?” I questioned or more likely stated what you were attempting to say. You chuckled, obviously a little blur at the comment I had given. Nevertheless, you answered. “Yeah, I was supposing that.”

I had to look away, I just had to; because it wouldn’t be real for you and I to just talk abruptly like that with no relations whatsoever; so, I looked away (and most probably sprinted to where I had to go to)

You were headed the same direction, without me realizing that you were.

“You come here too?” you asked me, voice panting from catching up from a few footsteps away. I turned my head left to face you; I responded. “Yeap. This is the only place I actually get some peace. I’m not really from around here but y’know,”

“Oh, I see.”

It was an awkward pause before you swallowed. “You come here to do revision then?” and before I knew it, we had already walked past the door that said ‘open’, not hearing the tinkling bell on top of it.

“Not really, I just like reading.” I smiled.

He smiled.

And that was the first time I thought strangers were actually worth meeting.



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