I just want to say something

Somebody had posted something from Tumblr and another user commented on it. At the bottom they said: 

"To any depressed, sucicdal, self harming teenager: Grow up.

First I have to say, you.

You don't tell people to grow up. Hell, you don't have to right to tell them to grow up. Society is judging and rude and hard. I can't even descrive it with all the words i the English language. 

For people like that, things can be hard and touch at home and/or school and you don't have a ing right to say anything. 

Saying grow up to somebody, will make them cut themselves or kill themselves. And who told them to grow up? You did. You, yourself, would have yourself to blame. 

If I here anybody tell anybody to grow up, I might scream and block them. Possiblity of hitting them, it depends. 


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It really depends on what they're referring to when they mean grow up. (Because I have honestly told people to grow up because they were complaining over a pairing and fighting over ships and bashing me for my realistic views.) But in this case... the person who said that to a person that could be depressed, suicidal and such needs to have their face meet my foot and fist. smh. And it's most likely the person that said that is... a teenager themselves or a person who has just gotten into their 20s and hasn't really experienced much life yet. Best thing to do though is punch the person in the face and walk away... and I mean the ones that are going to someone that needs help and telling them to grow up.

Tumblr dramas becoming way too much... it even happens in the tumblr RP account I have and someone was bashing my friend for being depressed and a bit suicidal and bringing the OOC stuff into their RP account rather than try to go up to them and help them.