Skype's circle.

So yeah, I'm inviting you guys to make a circle for my skype-pen-pals thingy. Honestly, I dont think i have friends here ~_~ so i just randomly ask you. perhaps i can practise my english with you guys.

my english is bad.

perhaps we can talk about story and writing and whatever we want to talk or we can make up a simple discussion.

we can make a simple event

maybe im the only one who get excited 

but yeah









i know i will never get any of you guys. This is not interesting ~_~

but i keep my hope high LOL

you can pm me

or just add me @byzuraofficial


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Guurl i would love to even if i dont really use it , only check it when i need to call home . Idk but anw thats mine 「keymano.13」 so yea lets talk about love♪♪♪
And you're not the only bady~english
Trust me i'm the worst double~bady!!
If I had a Skype I would definitely add you, but sadly I don't ='(.

However, I would love to be friends with you and practice English and talk about stuff if you're ever interested in messaging me =D.
UKISSKissMe1313 #3
I would totally PM you anytime on AFF, sometimes I just get nervous when I friend an author who's stories I really enjoy~
I'll add you~
hizanozuka #5
Haha im up for it, but I dont use skype often. But if you'd like to, add me and say your username in a random message :)
My skype is nobodys_black_lamb
YongNa #6
I wish i could help you :( but i don't really go on skype. I have one though, but i cannot even remember my own username. Sigh.
And my final exam is just around the corner T.T
so, i guess i'll try to do so later? But that later is only on May. How?