Could someone help me?

A dear friend of mine just passed away. He was battling depression amoung other things since his parents divorced . . . He called me his guardian angel shortly before he passed away, and I'm just missing him like crazy right now. Is there anyway to get over losing him?


And sorry I haven't been updating stories lately, I've been in a slump . . . I've known this kid since our kindergarten days and he was bratty genius.




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im sorry for your loss
i can try to help but i apologize if my advice isnt to well;weirdly enough,ive never lost someone my age...
ive just mostly lost animals and my grandfather...
the big joke for my family is "happy hour in heaven";always helps me deal with my losses
for example,my old dog is up there chewing on a steak while my grandfather is sipping on a drink called a manhatten