It´s been 4 years since....

... I entered the world of Kpop.

And yesterday I noticed the influence this had on me...

in a kind of disturbing way.

You know... there were certain things that I loathed, no matter what. Like certain colour combinations, hairstyles etc. stuff that I just knew weren´t for me and would never be. Stuff like skinny jeans, yes, FICKIN skinnies...


Nevermind my legs  (I know I should go out and get in shape =_=).

I thought it´s not bad, because this way, everytime I pass a mirror I´ll see all that leg/ fat.

Nonetheless I just dared to go outside with them and I felt super .


HOW on earth do all those male kpoppers deal with that feeling!?!?!?


so yeah.... I guess I´ll stick to wearing them at home.



I guess you have to be BORN to wear them... it´s not for anyone.




Fashion Fail

(thank god those were on sale and didn´t cost a lot LOL)


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Mistraly^^: for these I´d actually have to grow even more XDDDD<br />
but the main difference...they have a tan...I´m just a girl as white as a wall :/ we can´t wear these asses XD<br />
I guess I´d stick to the skinies then LOL
Pff, Shakira, J.Lo and Beyonce - that what sells worldwide XD
@Mistral: xD yay, I guess that makes us... thigh-buddies?!? lol´s really some piece that you can´t wear with a short T-shirt.<br />
and I actually don´t compare myself to the female idols ;) really...neither do they have hips nor butts. most of them are straight "i"-lines that don´t make me wish I had their bodies...really. they are as attractive as 5-year old girls( which probably sells better anyways). Sure there are some exceptions but most are just like that.<br />
I guess it´s really more of a thigh problem^^;;<br />
thanks for the comment!!! <3
I don't see any problems with your figure, because I think our figures may be alike :D People always say I am thin, but I never had those 'straight' legs with same girth on the whole length, I always had thighs :) The stretch skinny jeans never looked good o me, but the regular ones or leggings – I wear it. Just it have to be with heels and with dress/sweater/ t-shirt of middle-thighs length (to cover the a little if its leggings LOL). It works for me ;P<br />
And don't compare yourself with asian figure. Just look at height- weight proportion in any artist profile - you will get what I mean. But I understand how you probably wouldn't feel comfortable in it, the way we think about ourselves effects it very much. <br />
Faithy: I swear that camera doesn´t show the real condition :/ I have really chubby thighs actually... -.-
RAINxclouds #6
LOL UNNIE<3 You have pretty legs idk what you're talking about D<
@Supriya: EXACTLY! it´s so weird wearing this for the first time... very ~<br />
you should try too!! and then tell me!! :D
Pff. They DO look good on you. :D<br />
But I know..I could imagine that feeling...even if I wear jeans that are a little tight, I feel a bit awkward and , let alone skinny jeans! I've never worn skinny jeans though!
OMG!! thanks for all those comments!!! XD you are so awesoem!!!<br />
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@Shrimpy: O_O even uglier?!?! T__T <br />
you should be glad I didn´t show all that.<br />
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@Chaeyo: thanks!! but realy... in real life they are anything but nice :/ weird angle.<br />
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@cutiewutie: yes!! I figured they´re perfect for boots but still...I never wore anything so tight... I feel like people are staring at me *__*<br />
and you go show some cleavage!!! xD<br />
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@12vojenn: thank you :D I still feel awkward in them^^;;<br />
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@jeniscool100: LOL I was wondering when someone would comment on the socks XD those are only for chilling at home. And thanks for the encouragement!^^<br />
I did wear them outside but I´m not as comfy as in my usual´s just soooo "shapeley". I can´t even remember the last time I wore something that showed my body like that. do you wear skinnies? does the awkwardness vanish?^^<br />
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@Cloudy: yessss, I´m like... geez If I look like this, then they must be like that? O_o they must be disturbingly skinny. I don´t think I don´t want to reach Taemin-skinny^^;;;<br />
but yes...naturally...with looking at all those pictures you can´t help but compare yourself with those guys.<br />
HIGH FIVE for the Key quote!!! XD that´s really a nice one^^<br />
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@Jennipuh: yes.... don´t judge me!!! XD and yeah...the getting out is still pretty funny to watch LOL <br />
nothing a good piece of butter can´t solve ;DDDD<br />
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O_O <br />
you got yourself skinny jeans?<br />
LOL<br />
I would be scared to never ever get out of them again...stuck for life^^<br />
I'm so proud of you!
O AO<br />
WHAT!<br />
YOUR LEGS ARE SKINNY YOU FUDGE CAKE!!! And I'm not just saying that! I really mean it!<br />
But I do understand where your coming from. I constantly look in the mirror and say "well SHINee isn't as fat as me. Why am I so fat?" And having that ultra fluffy/ thick Taemin hair is also not a reality that is mine :(<br />
But you know what it'll be okay. Because you and I are different. We are different and those differences define us. I would rather have these attributes that make me different rather than having everything always looks perfect.<br />
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You and I will never be them or be able to always pull off what they can. As Key once said: "I can't hide who I am. I can't say things I don't mean, say that I like things I hate, or hate things I like. And more than anything, I can't lie to myself. '' - Key.<br />
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So don't lie to yourself and hide who you are ^^ Your a beautiful, tall, pretty, german girl with nice legs but maybe not ultra Taemin skinny kind. And that's okay. Because we are built differently than asians as well. They would consider me fat but I'm average size for my height.<br />
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The point is don't be so hard on yourself Conny <3 I'm not trying to bring you down with my comment either >_< If I did I'm sorry! But really I understand where you're coming from and the reality of it all is: We live different lives, in different places, with different blood in our veins. <br />
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Sigh am I just major ranting? <br />
Ugggg I think my food poisoning has gone to my brain @___@
jeniscool100 #12
Awwwwwwwwww, what are you talking about?!?! Your legs are sooooo pretty! :D <br />
You look really good in skinny jeans! OH! And I love the colorful sock/yellow shirt/black pants combo you have going on! VERY VERY STYLISH.(; <br />
You should try wearing them out of the house once and see how it makes you feel. I mean, you can't judge it until you try it, am I right? :3<br />
Plus, you shouldn't be scared to do it because YOU LOOK SO GOOD IN THEM! :]<br />
I say you should try it one time, and then if you feel uncomfortable, you don't ever have to wear them in public again. <br />
But it's worth the risk! You might find that it gives you a rush to wear them in public! Only experience will tell.(: <3
ChaeYo #13
you have beautiful legs =)<br />
show them instead of hiding them ^^<br />