sengal oh sengal

yah! you, you and you!

puas hati aku datang balik...-.- sengal la sekor2 neh... tader keje betul...ingat bet kita, aku dtg korang lyn... now this sounds so ridiculous... =.="

by the way, aku buat kawan baru so, aku tak heran dgn korang, okaiii!

now, i look like a mad people... -.-


/change to flower and glittery...

Hi, my friends! It's been a long time since we ever talked! (for about a year right?)

i'm so sorry for missing in action... well, blame to my bizarre stupid university thingy of course... hey, i'm not an weird high school student anymore... i'm an university student now. time really fly ver fast... okay, language barrier mood, so good bye!




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-.- no kidding for those words above, aku angkat tangan... XD
aku mangsa yang tak bersalah tapi berkomplot, okay?
cheese cake! asal kau tak mention yg deal kita buat, ahah?