— ♚ enchanteur // Choi Jihyun // Quiet Angel


Hello, hello? Yes, this is Choi Jihyun!

 Who are you?


` 9.5

` Cortney



first face claim | Ryn
second backup face claim | Ji In
blood type | B
height  | 166 cm
weight | 54 kg
style     |
For casual wear, she prefers ocersized sweaters and long pants. For formal, since she's not that short, she pefers short dresses that allow her to move freely. For practice, she prefers simple and casual outfits that she feels comfortable in and is able to move around freely. She doesn't wear many accessories but she will occasionally wear bracelets or rings.
Casual: 1 |  2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Formal : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Practice  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Accessories: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

 Let's Talk About You

` birth name | Choi Jihyun
nicknames  | 
Bookworm- She loves to read
Mommy's little Angel- their mother favors Jihyun over Mihyun. ALOT.
Hyun-Hyun- Kris calls her this

` birthdate    | December 16, 1993
age                 | 20
birthplace   | Chuncheon, South Korea
hometown   | Chuncheon, South Korea
ethnicity      | Full Korean
languages    |

Korean - (Fluent)
→Japanese - (Advanced)

 Good to you~

personality |

Annyeonghaseyo, Jihyun imnida- Jihyun is the older twin by two minutes. She is the quiet one who likes to stay in the background and read, making sure that she doesn't get into anyone's way. She never gets into trouble and is always the center of attention in the family. Even if she's quiet and tired, she'll always have a smile for her fans. She'll never reject the chance to hang out with her fans. Her fans are the things that keep her going. But she's also very blunt. Whenever she's talking to someone, she'll automatically say what's on her mind and it doesn't matter if it comes out rude, she just wants to get her point across. But compared to her sister, she's a lot more calmer and she tries to be more confident in herself.

Would you please stop doing that before I injure you?- She doesn't have a really bad temper but she will get mad if you touch her without her permission. She really hates people reading over her shoulder because usually the things she reads are for her own eyes only and when people read over her shoulder, it feels like their envading her privacy. Never ask her to do aeygo. She will never do it. Jihyun dislikes it and will injure you if you do ask her. 

Say hello to the new me- Jihyun has a 180 degree personality change when she's on stage. She becomes this confident girl that knows what she's doing. You can't even see a speck of nervousness on her. She'll have a smile on her face and she'll enjoy her time on stage that she's sometimes reluctant to get off the stage.

Just call me Jihyun okay?- Off stage, Jihyun becomes a quiet girl again who's cautious with what she's doing. She's always the first one to find each staff member and thank them for their hard work and effort. She knows how hard it must be to edit and film each thing so she always makes sure that they feel welcome and appreciated. 

background | Mihyun and Jihyun were born on December 16, 1993. Jihyun was born at 4:46 pm and Mihyun was born at 4:48 pm. They have one older brother, Choi Jonghyun (Changjo), age 18 and one older sister, Choi Sohyun, age 21. Their father, Choi Byunghae, is a famous doctor so he travled a lot and was usually never home. Their mother, Kim Nara, works as teacher at an elementary school. Changjo is in idol, in the group, Teen Top. Hyunji is in collage, so Jihyun and Mihyun rarely see her but when she does come home, Hyunji spoils Jihyun and pushes Mihyun away.
At a very young age, Mihyun could see that Jihyun was the more favored in the family, along with Hyunji. Because of that, Mihyun would latch on to Changjo as often as possible and her father if he was home. Changjo was often pushed aside too so he and Mihyun would usually be seen with each other. Their father sees both of the twins equally but he secretly favors and spoils Mihyun and Changjo.
At age 11, Mihyun went with Changjo to audition at the TOP Media's Lotte World auditions. They both passed the final round and became the youngest kids to become a trainee. They both went to school and took the train from Seoul at 10 back home and would sometimes train for 10 hours straight. They would stay at the dorms on the weekends and practice continuously. While Mihyun practiced with her brother, Jihyun stayed at home and focused on her studies, which made their mother very happy that Jihyun had choose to stay home and study. 
After two years of training, Changjo debuted as Teen Top which made Mihyun very happy. Mihyun was out shopping with her sister one day and they were scouted by SM Entertainment. Jihyun auditioned while Mihyun was transferred over. Jihyun passed the auditions and they both trained for another 4 years before debuting as ENCHANTEUR.

likes |
dark chocolate
white chocolate
getting up early

dislikes  |
People reading over her shoulder
High Heels
People touching her
sleeping in

hobbies |
Writing stories
Listening to Music
playing the piano

habits     |
she zones off in a conversation if she's not interested
reading whenever she has nothing to do
hitting people if they touch her without her permission

` trivia      |
Her birthday and her sister's birthday is their brother's birthday and their brother's birthday is their birthday
she sees no point in instagram.
thinks her sister is 4D like her brother
is the closest to her older sister
unlike her twin sister, she never made any music video appearences or any type of cameo before her debut.
Her favorite bands are DBSK and EXO.
Her favorite OTPs are YunJae, EunHae, Kangteuk, and TaoRis.
She and her sister often argue who is better paired with Kris.
She doesn't care about her brother's band pairings. 
Unlike her sister, she doesn't really follow her brother's band so she doesn't know when his next concert is until he announces it to the whole family.
She likes to write stories.
She can play the piano.
She's the quietest one in the family. She could slip away unnoticed and no one would notice till she came back a few hours later. 
Owns a dog
She doesn't wear any jewelry but she has an eighth note necklace that her twin sister gave her once.
Tends to keep to herself and doesn't trust people that easily
Her ideal man is Kris or Tao of EXO
Her ideal date is watching movies
She often teases her twin sister about the stupidest things
She's shorter than her twin sister
Owns a ton of books that takes up the space of three bookcases
Her computer is full of unfinished stories
She hates aegyo and yells at her sister and older brother when they do it for fun
She often listens to her twin sister's composing when she's stressed and gives her advice on how to improve it.
Her dog's name is Fan-Fan
She hates it when people read over her shoulder
Loves the color blue
hates the color pink
She co-wrote the lyrics to Teen Top's song Angel with her twin
→She owns a lot of Japanese manga so she knows advanced Japanese



family |
Father // Choi Byunghae // 48 // Doctor
Mother // Ahn Nara // 46 // Stay-at-home Mom
Older Sister // Choi Sohyun // 22 // Student
Twin Sister // Choi Mihyun // 20 // Trainee/Member
Younger Brother // Choi Jonghyun (Changjo) // 18 // Member of Teen Top
best friends | Lee Yun-Ji // 20 // Student // Yun-Ji lives next door to Jihyun and is almost like Jihyun's family because Jihyun shares everything with Yun-Ji, like her insecurities and whatnot. 
friends | 
Xiumin // 23 // Idol (EXO)
Jessica // 24 // Idol (SNSD)



love interest | Eunhyuk (Super Junior)
age & birthdate | 28 + April 4, 1986
how you met |
Jihyun were practicing with the other trainees when their sunbaes walk in. The sunbaes wanted to see how the trainees were doing with their practicing. When pratice ended, Jihyun stayed behind to practice while Eunhyuk had walked out the door for a little bit before he came back in when Jihyun had started dancing again. Once Jihyun had finished dancing, Eunhyuk clapped for her and asked her if she wanted some tips.
how you interact  | Their personality really clashes with each other but that's what makes them really good friends. Jihyun was always shadowed in her own little world while Eunhyuk was always making jokes out of everything. So when they met, they started talking about what they liked, what they didn't like, and Eunhyuk kept making jokes about everything so Jihyun had no choice but to laugh along. 
relationship | Close Friends
backup love interest | Donghae

love rival | Kris (EXO)
age & birthdate | November 6, 1990 + 23
how you met | Eunhyuk had dragged Jihyun along to one of his practices because he said it would be too boring if she didn't come along. So she went along with him and apparently the EXO members were practicing in the same room.  So Eunhyuk introduced his hoobaes to her, being sure to add a little personality trait to everyone he introduced. When he finished introducing everyone, he asked Kai and Lay to show him some of their dance moves while Jihyun walked over to Kris, introducing herself.
how you interact  | They act like brother and sister with Donghae acting like the younger brother a lot, doing a bunch of aeygo to try and get Jihyun to fall for it and to get him what he wants. 
relationship | Close friends
` backup love rival | Tao


rival | ....(optional, cross out if you don't have any, rival must not come from SM)...
age  | ...
why are you rival | ...(also cliche will be accepted but I love more than that)...
how you interact  | ....(oncamera and offcamera)
backup rival | ...


 Whatcha' Doin Today~

group | enchanteur-j
stage name | Jihyun
persona | Quiet Angel
words of wisdom/your motto | Learn from yesterday, Live for today, Hope for tomorrow
personal fanclub name  | Bookworms
personal fanclub color |
position     | Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer
second backup position | Lead Vocalist, Main Dancer
third backup position | Main Rapper, Lead Dancer

how you get into sm ent.   | She auditioned after getting scouted when she was shopping with her twin sister.
trainee years | 5 years
trainee life     |
The trainees didn't really talk to her because she's always so quiet and never really socialized with the other trainees. The trainers left her alone since she would always do everything they asked her to do and she never got into trouble a lot.

singing twin | Victoria Song
dancing twin | Yura (Girl's Day)
rapping twin | Hyerim (Wonder Girls)
talking twin  | Victoria Song

 Hello, hello, goodbye, goodbye~

comment | Hope you like the older twin~ Comments are in the younger twin's app...
scene request |

Kris and Jihyun meeeting
Kris giving Jihyun a cat
Jihyun making fun of Mihyun with her sister and their brother defends Mihyun
Their mom complimenting Jihyun and then making fun of Mihyun

password | They love me cause I'm hot


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