— ♚ enchanteur // Choi Mihyun // Talented Flower


Hello, hello? Yes, this is Choi Mihyun!

 Who are you?

` HelloKitty10755

` 9.5

` Cortney



first face claim | Kim Soo Yeon
second backup face claim | Park Sung Sin
blood type | B
height  | 168 cm
weight | 48 kg
style     |
For casual wear, she prefers simple and comfortable clothes that she can move around freely in. For formal wear, she pefers dresses that aren't too fancy but aren't too plain either. They're very simple but really pretty. For practice, she also prefers comfortable clothes that she can move around in. For accessories, she will wear accessories if it matches what she's wearing that day or if she's meeting someone really special.
Casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 
Formal: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Practice: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Accessories: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

 Let's Talk About You

` birth name | Choi Mihyun
nicknames  | 
MiMi- A nickname that her brother gave her
+Angel in Disguise- She acts like a perfect angel in front of strangers but in reality, she always gets in to trouble with her mother
+Talented Flower- her father and brother call her this because she can sing and dance as well as playing the violin, piano and the guitar
+Singing Princess- Her brother calls her this because he's the dancing king in the family
+Angel- L.Joe calls her this
+Princess- Chen calls her this
+Chen's Property: Chen also calls her this when he sees her with other guys *coughL.Joecough*
+L.Joe's Girl: Same reason as Chen when he sees Mina with someone else *coughChencough*

` birthdate    | December 16, 1993
age                 | 20
birthplace   | Chuncheon, South Korea
hometown   | Chuncheon, South Korea
ethnicity      | Full Korean
languages    | 
Korean - Fluent, English - Basic

 Good to you~

personality | 

Annyeonghaseyo Mihyun imnida- Mihyun is the louder and crazier of the two. She likes making noises and gaining attention from everyone. Her fans are her source of energy. They recharge her energy and she's ready to perform for them anytime. She always has a smile and will never refuse her fans (except for saesang fans).

Get away from me!- Mihyun has a really bad temper when she gets angry or sad. It's worse than her sister's. Mihyun also gets scared if people hit her too hard. Her mother used to hit her whenever Mihyun did something wrong, which was more than often. She gets overly emotional and it takes awhile for her to calm down and become her normal self again. So you just need to be patient.

It's still me- Mihyun doesn't have an onstage-offstage personality switch. She just becomes crazier and louder than usual. Mihyun really enjoys the stage and she enjoys performing to her fans. She makes sure that she gives her best for each performance because she knows that her fans do alot to see her perform and she needs to do her best.

I still smile no matter how bad things are- Mihyun was always pushed aside with her brother. Her mother favored Jihyun and their older sister more and it was obvious by the way their mother treated them. And because their father was never home alot, Mihyun felt insecure and lost a lot of the time. Her grades suffered a little because of this, but her brother was always ready to defend her. So Mihyun is really close with her brother. Her mother was really strict and would always hit Mihyun a lot and sometimes her brother if he came to defend Mihyun. Their mother would always criticize Mihyun on her performance but compliment Jihyun even if they were dancing the same move. But Mihyun would always put on a smile so people wouldn't worry about her.

background | Mihyun and Jihyun were born on Deceber  16, 1997. Jihyun was born at 4:46 pm and Mihyun was born at 4:48 pm. They have one older brother, Choi Jonghyun (Changjo), age 18 and one older sister, Choi Sohyun, age 21. Their father, Choi Byunghae, is a famous doctor so he travled a lot and was usually never home. Their mother, Kim Nara, works as teacher at an elementary school. Changjo is in idol, in the group, Teen Top. Hyunji is in collage, so Jihyun and Mihyun rarely see her but when she does come home, Sohyun spoils Jihyun and pushes Mihyun away.
At a very young age, Mihyun could see that Jihyun was the more favored in the family, along with Sohyun. Because of that, Mihyun would latch on to Changjo as often as possible and her father if he was home. Changjo was often pushed aside too so he and Mihyun would usually be seen with each other. Their father sees both of the twins equally but he secretly favors and spoils Mihyun and Changjo.
At age 11, Mihyun went with Changjo to audition at the TOP Media's Lotte World auditions. They both passed the final round and became the youngest kids to become a trainee. They both went to school and took the train from Seoul at 10 back home and would sometimes train for 10 hours straight. They would stay at the dorms on the weekends and practice continuously. While Mihyun practiced with her brother, Jihyun stayed at home and focused on her studies, which made their mother very happy that Jihyun had choose to stay home and study. 
After two years of training, Changjo debuted as Teen Top which made Mihyun very happy. Mihyun was out shopping with her sister one day and they were scouted by SM Entertainment. Jihyun auditioned while Mihyun was transferred over. Jihyun passed the auditions and they both trained for another 5 years before debuting as ENCHANTEUR.

likes |
ice cream
sleeping in

dislikes  |
rude people
disgusting smells
getting up early
horror movies
her mother
getting hit

hobbies |
Listening to music
playing the violin and piano

habits     | 
she tends to call her oppas 'hyung' when she's not paying attention
singing in the shower
crossing her legs when she's sitting in a chair
fidgiting after sitting still for more than five minutes.
when people don't answer fast enough, she says "palli palli"
bites her nails when she's nervous
covering when she laughs
smiles really big to show off her dimples

` trivia      | 
can play the violin and piano 
has a silver medal from a violin and piano compeition
has composed more than 10 songs but will not show anyone but her brother
owns one cat
can cook
loves to eat
was a former trainee at TOP Media
has a habit of calling her oppas 'hyung' when she's not paying attention
knows how to play the piano, the violin and the guitar
taught herself how to play the piano, the violin and the guitar
Music video appearences: Teen Top's Miss Right
was a fan of DBSK when she was younger
Looks up to DBSK, Super Junior, SNSD, f(x), SHINee, BoA, Kangta, EXO, 2PM. 2AM, CN BLUE, FT Island, KARA,Seo InGuk, IU, 100%, Teen Top, Shinhwa, and Wonder Girls
Her ideal dream date is strolling along the beach and watching the sunset
She daydreams about how she wants her future boyfriend to propose to her
has already planned out her wedding dress
like her sister, she doesn't get the point of instagram
will choose Chunji of Teen Top, Luhan or Chen of EXO-M, Ryeowook from Super Junior, Jinwoon orChangmin from 2AM, Jun. K from 2PM, Jonghyun from CN Blue, Jaejin from FT Island, Minho or Taemin from SHINEE, Minwoo or Rockhyun or Hyukjin or Chen from 100% to do a duet with
wears a 
sibling ring with her brother that she never takes off
wishes she could have a joint stage with her brother
belongs to many fandoms and ships a lot of OTPs
Many of her OTPs are the ones that aren't the really popular ones
Her birthday and her sister's birthday is their brother's birthday and vice-versa
Her brother is the only one that she shares her composing with
She sometimes would share her composing with her twin
She would always stay afterwards and train with her brother when she was a former trainee at TOPMedia.
She had a small crush of Jonghwan from 100% for a little bit but it went away when she started getting toknow L.Joe.
Went to audition for TOP Media the same day as her brother.She knows how to dance all of SNSD'sdances and Teen Top's dances.
Her ideal man has Chunji's sense of humor, L.Joe's face and her brother's body.
She loves to brother and Ricky about being a couple since she ships them.
She's made many covers of SNSD's songs.
is closest to her older brother
her cat's name is 
She composed Teen Top's song Angel, The Back of My Hand Brushes Against, and Date
Has a 
eighth note bracelet that Jihyun got her
she has 
rose earbuds that Changjo got her
she can dance a bit of ballet and ballroom dancing
L.Joe teaches Mihyun English from time to time and she learns it from school



family |
Father // Choi Byunghae // 48 // Doctor
Mother // Ahn Nara // 46 // Stay-at-home Mom
Older Sister // Choi Sohyun // 21 // Student
Twin Sister // Choi Jihyun // 19 // Trainee/Member
Younger Brother // Choi Jonghyun (Changjo) // 18 // Member of Teen Top

best friends | n/a
friends | 
Chunji // 20 // Idol (Teen Top)
Ricky // 20 // Idol (Teen Top)
Seohyun // 22 / Idol (SNSD)



love interest | L.Joe (Teen Top)
age & birthdate | November 23, 1993 + 20
how you met | 
They met when Changjo was introducing her to s just before they debuted. She noticed how distanted L.Joe seemed and thought that he was really interesting. So she went up to him and started to talk to him.
how you interact  |

L.Joe and Mina often like to prank each other and prank their members. They come up with random jokes at times and some of their jokes don't even make that much sense. They practice together a lot of the time and they practice each other's group dances a lot as well. Since L.Joe's airport fashion sense is really good, he often helps Mina to chose her clothes though most of the time, he just tells Mina that everything she owns looks good on her. L.Joe's vocal strength isn't that good either so Mina would try and teach him how to sing and often goes to the recording studio with him. Since they both know how to compose, they often compose with each other and promised their members to share their song copyright fees if they ever get to produce their songs. 

They have a very close friendship relationship. They're so close that they practically know everything about each other. But because they're so close, they've almost gotten into scandals before. Even though they're always being playful together, they've noticed their feelings together, but they've never told each other about these feelings. They've may expressed these feelings more than normal but they express these feelings without even noticing it.

relationship | Crushing
backup love interest | Jonghwan + 100%

love rival | Chen + EXO
age & birthdate | September 21, 1992 + 21
how you met | Mihyun was looking for the practice rooms and bumped into Chen along they way. He asked her if she was alright and she asked him to show her to where the practice rooms were. On the way there, they talked and discovered that they have alot in common.
how you interact  | They act like sibings because they argue about the smallest things sometimes and often play pranks on the other whenever they're bored or for the fun of it.
relationship | Close Friends, (Mihyun has a crush on him)
` backup love rival | SHINee's Key

rival | ....(optional, cross out if you don't have any, rival must not come from SM)...
age  | ...
why are you rival | ...(also cliche will be accepted but I love more than that)...
how you interact  | ....(oncamera and offcamera)
backup rival | ...


 Whatcha' Doin Today~

group | enchanteur-k
stage name | Mina
persona | Talented Flower
words of wisdom/your motto |
"A simple hello could lead to a million things"
personal fanclub name  | AID (Angles in Disguise)
personal fanclub color |
position     | Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer
second backup position | Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer
third backup position | ...

how you get into sm ent.   | Scouted, Transfered over
trainee years | 2 years at TOP, 5 years at SM
trainee life     |
It was very hard for Mihyun because she really wanted to show her mother that she was capable of doing this. She was always stressed out because her dance instructor always found something wrong in her dancing no matter how hard she tried. The dance instructor made Mihyun do it over and over again until her body was in pain and she was ready to faint. She never made much friends when she trained because she was always practicing by herself all day. The friends that she made were the only ones that she could trust. Mihyun was bullied often because she was always practicing alone and the one that was always yelled at by the dance instructor. But she worked hard to get where she wanted to go.

singing twin | Jung Eunji (Apink)
dancing twin | Lee Yooyoung (Hello Venus)
rapping twin | Shin Jimin (AOA)
talking twin  | Lee Eunji (Apink)

 Hello, hello, goodbye, goodbye~

comment | Here's the younger twin~ Do you want a co-author to help you with reviews, or story lines or anything else? But if you don't that's alright. Good luck on your first story!
scene request |

→Mihyun having a bad temper and the members had to call Chen over to calm her down
Flashback where Mihyun and Chen meet
going to Lotte World and wearing matching headbands
doing a duet with Chen on Music Bank
Chen giving her a matching promise ring
Chen playing a song for her that he composed for her on Valentine's day
Flashback where L.Joe and Mihyun meet
L.Joe giving Mihyun a couple phone charm to match his
L.Joe and Mihyun doing a duet on MCountdown
L.Joe dedicating their song 'Date' to Mihyun 

password | They love me cause I'm hot


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