Key Makes Me Want To Cry

I mean seriously, are all SHINee members perfect or what?

First Jjong supported gay rights and now this. 

Even though I don't cut, but it really makes me want to cry reading it and seeing that out there there are people who cares even if they don't know you

And it's just urg. 

So everyone out there who has negative thoughts, or think that no one cares, SHINee does. 

Tonight, Key possibly saved a life, and many more in the process 

So I just want to spread the message and tell all of you out there

There will always be someone who cares even though it may not seem so at this moment.

There will always be someone by your side, supporting you, encouraging you even if you can't see them at this moment

Every life is precious, and you deserve to live your life to the fullest, to experience the many things your life was meant to. 

It may not neccessarily be falling in love, but there are so much life has to provide.

Maybe you like travelling, maybe you like reading, or maybe you like writing.

Think of the things that make you happy, think of the future you have doing all these things, experiencing all these moments, creating memories.

Everyone has their moments. Everyone breaks down sometimes. 

We all cry sometimes. But it's okay. Pick yourself up and fight. Fight for yourself and your future

Everyone, FIGHTING!


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our SHINee boys are so kind and they care for us.they r too amazing in every way.i m proud as a shawol and SHINee are our pride.we are lucky to have them.keep going our SHINee boys.we love you.FIGHTING
I didn't know this, and then I just read this blog post and Key, you are amazing and I knew there was a better reason than your fabulousness for you to be my bias and this is it. It's just... So beautiful, in a way, when you see these little acts of kindness that can save a life. Shinee, Key and Jjong especially, are amazing people. My respect for them just keeps growing. The world really needs more people like this, who will reach out to someone they don't know, and try to help.
Awww I knew there was something I liked about Key. I can tell him and the other members really care about their fans ^^ I really do hope that person stops cutting, cutting yourself just isn't the answer to your problems you need to talk someone and share how you feel instead of holding it in like that.
can i hug u ?? TT.TT both u and key make me cry keke ^^ *hugssssssssssssss* this blogpost made my day <33 like seriously made me realize something ^^
heesica10 #5
I'm lucky to be a Shawol
Wow that's amazing. I didn't know Key used to cut though? I'm really impressed