Asian Card?! (Inspired by David So)

Don't try to guess my ethnicity! It comes off like you're racist and rude! If you want to know, JUST ASK.

Also, it bothers me when people say, "The Asians at my school think of me as one of them. So I'm basically Asian." Okay, maybe you're a cool person, but you're not Asian if you're not! Just be proud of your own culture, you don't have to be Asian to hang out with Asian people!

I know this girl who loves k-pop and Koreans but she is like so rude to Chinese people. She always says how she knows Koreans so well but once Chinese people are mentioned, she looks at me. I'm not Chinese okay?! There is nothing wrong with Chinese people so stop being so ignorant to them! I hate it when people say they love kpop and asian culture, but they only like Koreans and hate every one else. Korea is NOT the only country in Asia, you ignorant piece of crap. And yes this is coming from a Korean, but that doesn't even matter because I loathe it it you're racist, whether it's to me or not!


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OMFG, I TOTALLY GET THIS. people are such hypocrites, like they say that they respect them and all and then they're over here being so judgmental. I'm like 'really?' I like all races, I really don't have anything against anybody. really.
I get asked a lot if I'm Mexican or Filipino or anything else. I'm like, 'oh, here we go again with the guessing game.'
I'm Asian, and I'm not trying to be offensive but a lot of the other Asians at my school hang out together and some of them have nothing in common. I think that's stupid, if you don't have any similar interests and you're just hanging out with them because they're Asian... I just can't.
Darn right! Preach it gurl.
KimHeeSung #3
I agree with you! Its just like how people think Asian only means straight hair, pale skin, slanted eyes. Like no stop being ignorant and actually know the different places and different cultures in Asia its not just China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, ect! I feel you, don't listen to those people they need to get there head out of there .